View Full Version : Mental disorders?

29-06-17, 19:53
Any other hypochondriacs out there afraid of mental diseases?

Right now I can't get over the fear of Bipolar 2, or severe depression. I am depressed, I can feel it, but the thought of having something like Bipolar 2 is scaring me so much.

It's gotten to the point that anytime I feel even slightly happy I try and fizzle it out in fear it might be manic thing.

29-06-17, 20:16
I am currently scared of becoming a schizophrenic... its ruining my life

29-06-17, 20:46
Hi. :)

Yes, I've recently started fearing schizophrenia/psychosis (I guess because I felt 'strange', a bit derealised, a couple of times, like never before, so I started analysing every each one of my thoughts, whether my percepcion of life or my behaviour hasn't changed etc.).

Most psychotic people aren't aware of their state, though, so this is most likely really just bad HA.

Try some distraction, it helps me. :)

Have a nice day. :)

29-06-17, 21:10
Omg im the same way. Especially with my dreams.... i am always analyzing my dreams and asking am I sane are they really talking to me is this really happening is this the beginning of schizophrenia? Is this depersonalization?

29-06-17, 21:35
Hi! I recently had a moment/fear that I was either bipolar, schizophrenic, or going to have hallucinations and not know where I was or do something "crazy". I still have moments of thinking that "THIS IS IT! THIS IS GOING TO BE IT" and the constant questions or rehearsing if I remember all that I did in the day to verify that its "not it". In addition, I also fear that someone else may mistake my anxiety as one of "those things" and believe I've "gone of the deep in"... it can be consuming.

A close friend that also deals with anxiety told me something that I've been clinging to; "Its like you're looking for proof that you're 'losing it' instead of looking at the proof that you're very anchored in reality... its just your anxiety".
Those words kind of changed my perspective a little bit and allowed me to at least acknowledge when I'm searching for the "proof" instead of focusing on "what I am"-- what IS instead of what IF.

Though I'm trying to move away from getting reassurance from doctors and other people that have knowledge in what I THINK I'm enduring, I found it helpful chatting with a few friends that know someone that is bipolar or are bipolar. Hearing their own struggles AND successes helped me to realize that my perspective of bipolar disorder was not only different from their experiences, they've also lead very successful lives with the proper assistance and help managing their symptoms... just like me. :)

29-06-17, 22:35
Hi! I recently had a moment/fear that I was either bipolar, schizophrenic, or going to have hallucinations and not know where I was or do something "crazy". I still have moments of thinking that "THIS IS IT! THIS IS GOING TO BE IT" and the constant questions or rehearsing if I remember all that I did in the day to verify that its "not it". In addition, I also fear that someone else may mistake my anxiety as one of "those things" and believe I've "gone of the deep in"... it can be consuming.

A close friend that also deals with anxiety told me something that I've been clinging to; "Its like you're looking for proof that you're 'losing it' instead of looking at the proof that you're very anchored in reality... its just your anxiety".
Those words kind of changed my perspective a little bit and allowed me to at least acknowledge when I'm searching for the "proof" instead of focusing on "what I am"-- what IS instead of what IF.

Though I'm trying to move away from getting reassurance from doctors and other people that have knowledge in what I THINK I'm enduring, I found it helpful chatting with a few friends that know someone that is bipolar or are bipolar. Hearing their own struggles AND successes helped me to realize that my perspective of bipolar disorder was not only different from their experiences, they've also lead very successful lives with the proper assistance and help managing their symptoms... just like me. :)

Oh man that is soooo me.... the waiting for it and any odd thing has me saying welp this is it this is schizophrenia... I have to change me thinking and say what is happening which is ovethinking and checking way too much

29-06-17, 23:51
I'm working on that as well... its just hard to do and I have to remind myself it won't change overnight. I'm trying to recognize what I'm doing and giving it a label so I can break down the worry in chunks. If anything I can say, "Ahhh you're planning and soothing yourself again, noted". Its also helpful to know you're not alone!