View Full Version : So, this isn't normal?!

29-06-17, 20:21
Honestly, I thought it was normal for everyone to think they will die from every symptom they are feeling? It shocks me people don't think this way. It shocks me that people can be ill, have a lump or bump or weird symptom and just wait for it to pass or not even bat an eyelid about it!! Is this how life is without anxiety? I have only recently discovered this, that not everyone has this kind of anxiety. It makes me feel very trapped. So that isn't a 'normal' way of thinking then?!

29-06-17, 20:40
Not everybody is genetically wired to worry.

Not everybody has experiences that trigger anxiety.

Not everybody's brain is of a questioning nature or built to think deeply and existentially.

There's a lot more to it than just that of course. But it's worth remembering that anxiety is, by some measures, the most common condition doctors see. Not all of that is health anxiety, of course, but you see my point. So there is something human about this experience. It doesn't make you abnormal to have these fears.

The point is, however, that this condition robs you of your freedom to live your best life. There's no need to just accept it because it can be treated and, in many cases, eliminated.

29-06-17, 21:54
Anxiety is a very real and very common condition that many people live with. But not everybody is "wired" to worry about their body as many HA sufferers do. Or worry in general as with general anxiety. The best thing to do is to think positive, you can live normally. Even if your brain isn't "normal"

29-06-17, 23:05
I remember the days when I had a problem and waited for it to pass without worrying. Now, no matter how big or small the problem is, I always google it until I am convinced I'm dying of cancer or something :( I hate health anxiety :(

30-06-17, 00:18
So that isn't a 'normal' way of thinking then?!

Normal is somewhat relative but no, sadly, that's not normal and I'm a survivor of some serious health issues. May I ask your age?

Positive thoughts

30-06-17, 13:03
Isn't it funny how different normal is for different people?

I can actually remember my pre-HA days. Tingle in the arm? Stomach pain? Headache? Meh. It'll go away. Now, though? No way. Cue ALL THE PANIC. And it's so weird to think that it wasn't always like that.

30-06-17, 13:58
I think most people with HA have experienced "normal" periods in their lives. If I compare the number of years I had HA to the number of years I didn't...well there is no comparison really. My life has been mostly HA free. If you can't remember a time when you did not obsess over your health or worse, did not realise that most people don't then one has to wonder why someone else didn't notice this obsession and encourage you to seek help. See a doctor and get a referral to a psych.