View Full Version : Most amazing day! Katie 1 Health anxiety 0!

29-06-17, 20:34
So today I had my first ultrasound scan, it's felt like a life time waiting for this!

During the wait I've had a lot of negative thoughts, mainly that I would receive bad news at the scan, these thoughts gave been there pretty much everyday and have definitely made me nervous during the wait, would all my bloods show a problem ect, difference is I didn't voice my concerns, on here, or to my partner ect like I usually would and i just got in with it. Meaning they didn't take over my life.

When I lay down on the bed waiting for the scan my mind was blank, then within one minute I hear the words "There's your baby and a nice heartbeat" I literally couldn't believe it! We got to watch our little bub wriggling around and words can't describe.

Something I've learnt is that it's natural to have worries, we all do, so trying to stop myself from having the occasional worry is just daft, and I don't beat myself up about it anymore, I just literally get in with it. I wish I could say how I got to this place that I can do that but I don't know, I just know I never gave up hope!

Anyway again I'm just using this as my person diary, rambling on but hopefully if people can see how much I've changed it gives hope to them X

29-06-17, 20:42
Awww congratulations Katie, that's lovely news and I am so happy put your mind at rest during this very special time. :bighug1:

29-06-17, 20:44
Awww congratulations Katie, that's lovely news and I am so happy put your mind at rest during this very special time. :bighug1:

Thankyou! :D Everyone was right when they said you won't believe it until you see baby on screen. I cant stop smiling! X

29-06-17, 20:47
Apart from actually holding your baby for the first time, it's the most amazing thing in the world. :hugs:


30-06-17, 08:29
Brilliant news