View Full Version : Coming down from 20mg to 10mg

29-06-17, 23:48
It's been 12 days of being on 10mg. I'm itchy and my sleep is different - it's harder to get to sleep. Though I still feel tired so much (I have suspected chronic fatigue syndrome).

My therapist said that coming off makes everything more sensitive - skin and nervous system. She said that it's like having the TV contrast turned up and sharpened when you hadn't realised it was dim and out of focus, when it comes to emotions.

I have been crying more but I have reason to cry (chronic fatigue that's getting in the way of living).

My plan is to just put up with the itchiness and disturbed sleep, because they're just withdrawal side effects and will go away. Right? Any advice for managing these side effects?

I suspect my sex drive is going to increase, now I'm coming off it. There will be positives :)

30-06-17, 02:33
My plan is to just put up with the itchiness and disturbed sleep, because they're just withdrawal side effects and will go away. Right?

The withdrawal symptoms should diminish after a few weeks.

Any advice for managing these side effects?

An antihistamine may solve both issues. Your pharmacist should be able to recommend an over-the-counter one, or get a prescription for something stronger from your GP. In both cases tell them about the disturbed sleep so you get one of the more sedating ones, preferably with a short half-life so it is mostly out of your system before morning.

03-07-17, 23:38
I didn't take an antihistamine, but thanks for the idea, I will if I need to.

Itchiness has passed now, and getting to sleep is easier. That was a faster transition than I thought :)

04-07-17, 06:52
When I withdrew frm 20mg I dropped to 10mg first and the side effects lasted about 10 days. It was more cotton wool heads, dizziness and brain zaps for me.

It was pretty mild though, I felt it more when I dropped from 10-0mg but even that wasn't bad and lasted no more than 15 days.

It's nothing like starting these meds.

04-07-17, 23:59
Yay :) I have been a bit off balance, but it's difficult to tell what's the citalopram drop and what's me just being unwell.

I'm not going to rush off when I'm on 10mg down to 0mg. I'm taking my time. However apparently citalopram is really bad for people with CFS so I probably shouldn't stay on them for a really long time.