View Full Version : Vitamin D

30-06-17, 18:51

I have been having trouble with recurring HA lately and odd physical symptoms. I have had blood tests and X-rays on different achy bones and mostly clear. Only things that have come up are v low vitamin D (14 and 15) and high cholesterol. When I took vitamin D supp I felt a lot better and less anxious and I am now taking daily supp but my levels have dropped just above the borderline of deficiency.

My symptoms are:
Previously tingling all over (2 weeks)
Anxiety through the roof
Achy all over
Tired a lot
Brain fog (feel like I'm hungover)

I am worried a little that my vit d is still low. I am wondering why this is. I do like a drink, but I wouldn't say I drink excessively, and I tend to only drink weeeknds or the odd wine glass midweek. I read alcohol affects vit absorption and also raises cholesterol.

I idly googled other causes and of course MS and Hashimotos and other delights come up. I have family with MS and know what symptoms look like so I am not thinking I have that.

Anyone else have vit d deficiency that is still low following supplements? Should I follow this up with the doctor?


30-06-17, 20:49
My D is low as well

17-07-17, 08:43
i mean... etiher alcohol or anxiety.:doh:
how much vitamin D do you take daily? i take ca. 4000 IU.
did they check your B12, B6 and folic acid levels too? these are also very important.

17-07-17, 08:58
i mean... etiher alcohol or anxiety.:doh:
how much vitamin D do you take daily? i take ca. 4000 IU.
did they check your B12, B6 and folic acid levels too? these are also very important.

What is considered a B12 deficiency? Lot of conflicting information. Mines is 234, apparently that's in the normal range but according to a lot of information online it's still low.

17-07-17, 13:14
I had a vitamin D deficiency and i was prescribed tablets and my levels were back in normal range in a few months.