View Full Version : How sad is this?

30-06-17, 21:29
Today, in my endless quest to figure out this dizziness of mine (even though I saw the ENT yesterday), I was researching MS.

My husband came home and I suddenly had a "spring in my step" - I was no longer downcast. Why? he asked.

"I think I might have MS". I have scottish ancestry. I was born and grew up (until age 20) in Michigan (northern US), and I have hypothyroidism. All things that put you at a higher risk for MS than the rest of the population.

And after reading lots of discussions on similar experiences to mine, from people who actually HAVE MS, I was hopeful.

Hopeful....that I had MS.....because at least it wasn't a brain tumor.

....how sad is that? :wacko:

30-06-17, 21:40
Unfortunately, this is how health anxiety works.

It's like people who wish they had an actual serious illness because at least then, It can be diagnosed and treated and of course, others would be able to see it too. That's why they call Mental health the "Invisible illness". only the sufferer knows what's truly going on.

I really understand what you are saying.


30-06-17, 21:42
I have been there. The funniest thing, is I have faced a couple of real health scares. The oddest thing happens when I have an actual issue to deal with, I don't panic about it at all. I don't even worry the slightest bit. I have a heart issue, and have zero fears about it.

Cancer seems to be this looming worry I can't shake, and I think it is because of how well it hides, or masquerades as other things. Ah well.

As an aside, this community has a lot of fear of MS, and the oddest thing. I know several people with MS, and it is far from a death sentence. It isn't even in the top ten worst health issues a person can have as far as I am concerned. Sure, there are rare, more aggressive forms, but the average person with MS lives *nearly* as long as everyone else, it has a very limited effect on longevity.

I am not saying it is a picnic, but it seems odd that people are as terrified of it as we are here.

30-06-17, 22:13
I am not saying it is a picnic, but it seems odd that people are as terrified of it as we are here.

I agree.