View Full Version : Breakup

11-05-07, 14:25

I lost my old account, couldn't remember pass and no longer have access to the email address i used.

About Me:
I started suffering from anxiety just over 2 years ago, my symptoms included dizzyness which was the worst, feeling like i was going to faint, shortness of breath, tremors especially in ques in shops, fast heartbeat and sweating. I was bad at one point and was housebound for 5 months when it first started, i started to get dizzy and get shaky hands when in ques at the supermarket and in some social situations and didn't know what it was at the time untill i researched it.

I read a number of books and was determined to beat this demon and started to go out short walks around town and fight through the spaced out/dizzyness and the rest of the symptoms. After a few months i noticed improvment and started to do more things and go for days out. It has took me nearly 2 years to get over most of the symtoms, it took a while for me to feel more comfortable in shop ques, my problem in shops was if i was in a que and people were behind me i would get anxiety and the anxiety caused tremors in my stomach and sometimes like a light full body shake and that made me paranoid.

I still struggle with some situations such has big ques, i'm mostly fine on my own but its weird when my g/f was with me or should i say ex g/f now it give me anxiety and i found i functioned better in shops on my own which is strange since most people like to have people with them but i found it made me more paranoid a little.

I have come along way in last few years and want to work on beating this demon fully, part of my problem is confidence. Last saturday my g/f who i have been with for 4 years hit me with the news that she no longer loves me, last year things havn't gone well and ive pushed her further away with arguments and everything, i don't feel she fully understood my anxiety and she too suffered with some mild anxiety when i met her. Funny thing is i was fine till i met her and always wondered if i would have anxiety now if we never met.

Has you can imagine ive taken the news pretty hard and am not eating/sleeping much, feel depressed/weak and i don't know if it was because i sat for a few hours in the cold last night with just my t/shirt and with my body taken a battering but on my way home from my brothers when i got in taxi my legs started shaking, i didn't really feel like it was anxiety but was thinking about my ex beforehand, i do however have bad circulation and tremble and shake outside in the cold during winter. Today i also have shortness of breath and palpitations and feel a little dizzy and am thinking this is anxiety related rather then stress or because ive not eaten much.

I just don't won't to go backwards with my anxiety, i have come a long way and last 5 months have been pretty good but feel like a nervous wreak at moment and shaky but this is to be exspected after whats happended i suppose.

11-05-07, 17:23
Hello !
You will never go backwards because you learn from these episodes and you will always remember the tools you learrned to cope. So accept the stress symptoms you have at the moment - how could you not feel like this in your circumstances ? Just knowing its OK to feel like this will reduce your anxiety.
Be kind to yourself

11-05-07, 19:35
Welcome back again!

Lovely to see you again.

12-05-07, 00:21
Been reading soyouvebeendumped a lot and notice a lot of people who have never suffered panic before have experienced it after a breakup so i'm reminding myself that these symptoms are normal given the circumstances. When i regain my strenth in a few weeks and begin to function more normally i'm going to be more determined than ever to beat this for good i think.

I don't really have a comfort zone as such so i'm thinking of taking a holiday maybe in a month or so, i was thinking abroad at first but now thinking maybe somewhere in britain to start off with since i havn't been on a holiday since i was a kid. I have no ties and nothing to stop me anymore and i'm sure it would help with the anxiety.