View Full Version : Need some advice

01-07-17, 00:07
Hello everyone. This is my first time posting here, though I've been lurking and reading for the last week or so, and it's been a huge help getting me through a tough time in my life, so first and foremost I'd like to say thanks.

Now for why I'm here and posting.

Last Thursday evening, I picked up a can of soda and when I went to take a drink, my hand trembled a little bit. Nothing major, no spillage, not even close. So I, of course Googled it. That lead me down a terrible rabbit hole, as everyone probably already knows. On Friday I was pretty OK at work in the morning, but I ended up going down the Dr Google rabbit hole again, and worked myself up to the point where I was almost incapable of working my mouse precisely. Friday night was hell. I didn't sleep at all, I was up all night freaking out and shaking and then freaking out about the shaking, which made the shaking worse.

Saturday was pretty bad, I calmed down a few times, but always ended up back down the rabbit hole, freaking myself out about all of the big bad neuro diseases. Then my legs started aching and I was feeling pretty wobbly, which sent me on another batch of Googling, and down the rabbit hole again.

By the time Monday rolled around, I was a mess of random weird stuff going on and everything came to a head last night again when I couldn't sleep because my arms and legs were jerking around and I was having random muscle twitches and spasms.

Today actually hasn't been terrible, though I did end up on Google again, which didn't help. And for the most part as long as I'm doing something to distract myself I'm not really twitching or anything too badly, but when I start thinking about it, it definitely picks up. I'm still pretty jittery and shaky, and my legs still hurt but maybe a bit less than they were earlier in the week.

Rationally I know that it's super, super unlikely that all of these problems would arise at pretty much the same time, but that's not helping the situation at all. I figured I could post here and maybe get a bit of feedback, dialog and support.

01-07-17, 00:51
Hello and welcome
I would guess and say that almost everyone who suffered with anxiety has at some point experienced what you are going through with the shakiness, muscle twitches, jerking etc etc unfortunately you have been led down that dark alleyway by Dr Google with no light at the end of it. You need to stop the Google searches immediately for that piece of mind and IF you really have to Google certain symptoms that you are experiencing I would just recommend looking into anxiety symptoms and how to deal with it.
All the best.

01-07-17, 00:59
I've been doing a lot of reading on Anxiety these past few days, and it's definitely enlightening. Thank you for your reply :)

01-07-17, 01:25
That's great to know keep it up and remain positive and you will soon see your body return back to normal.

Gary A
01-07-17, 01:37
Neurological disease does not care if you think about it or not. If you genuinely had a neurological illness, the symptoms would persist regardless of how often you thought about them.