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View Full Version : Moquito bite allergy?

01-07-17, 06:21
My HA had been acting up a lot lately. I've been going on to the next and it's quite annoying. It started off with me and my girlfriend being bit by mosquitos a few weeks ago. We both got bit the same amount of times but hers went away in a few days and mine took 2 weeks to fully disappear. I still have a little bump of where the bite was. Well, we recently got bit again. Same exact scenario once more. It's been a week and hers have disppeared and mine are still here. I've done some research and nothing seems to fit my case. They're not swelled or infected, no pus or anything. No trouble breathing or anything rare but they're just still here. I don't know how long mosquito bite's last but I don't think they're supposed to this long. They don't itch for very long, usually just 15-30 minuets at most and then they fade away a bit until they get agitated. Since they're on my legs Ill accidentally rub against something and they'll start itching and I'll try to ignore it and I'll either scratch them or put some benadryl on them. This probably sounds stupid but I can't help but go from "maybe my mosquito bites last so long because I itch them?" to "They're still here because my immune systems isn't working, I therefore have cancer". Does anyone have a mosquito allergy and can verify?

01-07-17, 06:31
Hi Nick,

Something Nancy posted recently is relevant to you:


They tend to occur on the legs if I recall rightly.

The stress of mental health issues can impact on the immune system but not in a dangerous way. I've found things take longer to heal and that I bleed a bit more easily in certain places.

01-07-17, 06:50
Thanks Terry! I've read something about that as well but I'm just curious on why my current ones are still itching. It's just on my mind. My logical response or my anxious response

01-07-17, 07:10
Could be allergies too. Could be your skin isn't as good as your GF's. Maybe even a factor like how she looks after her skin helps? I don't know but as long as it's healing it's good.

I skin pick and I've noticed since my relapse, which has been much harder, that my skin heals more slowly. No doubt there are articles explaining it all but it's much more likely this than something like cancer. And where are the other symptoms if it were cancer?

Certainly disturbing any bite or scan will just prolong the healing process as you can't always see the damage you do that the body just starts repairing again.

Catherine S
01-07-17, 14:31
Having anxiety raises your blood temperature which will make the bites itch for longer. You're lucky that yours only last for a few weeks, ive still got the marks from last year's bites.

Insect bites and stings affect me really badly...with huge areas around the bite swelling up and are extremely painful as well as intensely itchy. Then after a few weeks the area changes from red to black/blue like a large bruise. I have to apply special cream and take anti histamine drops. Yet it's still not classed as a true allergy. It's just a localised reaction, albeit a very bad one.

Your bites sound quite normal compared to mine :)