View Full Version : So upset at missing Madeleine

11-05-07, 14:50
Does anyone else feel so upset at the news at the moment about Madeleine McCann?

I just cannot believe anyone would abduct a 3 year old child whilst on holiday. There are some very sick people in the world.

I just hope and pray that they find her soon. I am constantly checking the news for any updates.

I cannot imagine what her mum and dad are going through. I think we should all pray for them and keep our fingers crossed that they find her safe and well soon.

11-05-07, 14:58
I feel the same too.

I can't imagine what her parents must be going through.

I hope they find her soon.

11-05-07, 15:37
I keep checking the news to,its terrible.

11-05-07, 16:39
What I find particularly frightening is that someone must have been watching the hotel room and known there were children in there on their own. The latest is that they trying to track a couple of men and a woman who were seen with a child at a petrol station. Apparently, a Scottish billionaire has offered £1 million to anyone with info about her whereabouts and David Beckham is also making an appeal. Let's all pray for her family and hope she is found safe and well-like the rest, I can't imagine what hell her parents are going through.

11-05-07, 16:40
I just pray that if she is still alive that she is being treated witth kindness. I can't bear the thought of anyone hurting her!

Granny Primark
11-05-07, 17:16
I feel like its a dark clouding hanging over me.
Its always there at the back of my mind.
Heaven knows what her parents are going through.
I think her mum looked really good at the start, coping well. But my God the difference in her the past few days is horrendous.
Kate from GMTV said this morning that Madeleines mum looked as though she was dying in front of our eyes.
I dont go to church but i do pray and the whole of the childs family and madeleine herself have been in my prayers.
Lets all pray for a miracle that madeleine is returned to her family tomorrow on her 4th birthday.

Take care

11-05-07, 20:34
Like you lot I keep putting on the radio or TV hoping that since I last listened they have found her safe and well.

An absolute nightmare for her family. I don't know how they are managing to stand upright at the moment.

11-05-07, 21:19
I think there is something "just not right" about it all.

I can't put my finger on it but it is just very weird and there is something we aren't being told about it all.

Hopefully she will be safe and sound but you just never know these days do you?

It is her 4th Birthday tomorrow as well.

11-05-07, 21:33
I am with you all here. I have never prayed so much.

I then feel guilty as things like this are happening all over the world, tho why I feel guilty I don't know. I don't know if it is because I know there is so much happening to people all the time and I don't seek out knowledge and do something about it.

I know what you mean nic, there is something not quite right. I am trying to put it down to it being a different country and they have different publicity laws to us, but it is all very peculiar.

Let us pray/hope/wish for a liitle girls safety


11-05-07, 21:43

This is such a deeply traumatic thing to read/hear about. I cannot even begin to imagine for a second what little Madalines parents are going through. Its quite distressing to see their pain.

When i am out with my son, i am frantic if he is out of my sight for a the shortest amount of time. I am like a crazy thing if i can't see him and usually his is just round the next aisle in the supermarket, but when i am shouting at him my point is that it ONLY TAKES A SECOND. We don't live in a friendly world, bad things happen all the time and i will do what i can to protect my son, and perhaps i am obsessively vigilant, but at least i am doing as much as i can to keep him safe. He'll probably hate me when he's older for not letting him play out front with his friends, but again....how long does it take to grab a child. Whats worse is my little boy is too friendly and will chat to anyone, it wouldn't cross his mind that someone would want to hurt him.

The sooner we are able to see what kind of people we're living near the better! I want to know if i have a pedophile on my street.

I pray they find this sweet little girl.


12-05-07, 09:17
I know its hard to miss, and I also pray for her safe return, especially today on her 4th Birthday, but with anxiety related conditions I often find the best thing to do is avoid the news at all costs, Its always depressing and really does us no good. I mean every day its the same thing, suicide bombers in Iraq, Someone in court for something or other, all doom and gloom.

12-05-07, 18:21
Im worried too- I started crying when I saw her mum on tv the other day - anyone with children (mine are now grown up) would feel the pain inside that her parents are feeling - I pray to God she is safe - Wenjoy x

12-05-07, 19:28
maddys aunt has asked for everyone to send emails out to everyone they know about Maddy......basically saying she is missing and to spread the word.
Its all we can do to help so please send out the emails to as many people as you can.

Now as for these pedos , it makes me sooo mad, why do they ay they are checking all the pedos to see if they are involved....what the hell are theys sick people doing out of prison ? They put the pedos first before our children......I just dont understand it, they should throw away the key !

12-05-07, 23:10
:hugs: Nic I hope this is ok, I know I have to run these sites by you first, but I have found this site very useful for prayers and healing and I have lit a candle to pray for Madeleine. http://light-a-candle.org . its really very beautiful!!!

Thought it may help others who would like to light a candle.

Love Sky:flowers:

13-05-07, 03:53
Ito am praying for madelines safe return, but like nicola i feel that there is something they are not telling us.I to cannot understand why they would leave their children on their own to go for a meal, i keep asking myself this, if you wanted a holiday on your own then why take the children, they had a babysitting service at the hotel,why did ,nt they take the children with them for this meal,i could go on and on. my daughters are 21/23 and everywhere we went they came too when they were children.

13-05-07, 08:01
inside my heart i am weeping for maddy,those pictures just reinforce how much pain those poor parents must feel.her birthday for gods sake it just couldnt be more agonising.i look at my daughters and i just cherish them even more.i find myself wishing to turn on the tv and for there to be happy news.as i walk past my eldests bedroom,i see her empty bed and for a second imagine the knowledge that she was gone...unbearable.:weep: :weep: :weep: :weep:

13-05-07, 09:02
Like everybody else i too wake up and hope todays the day they get her back alive and well.
Even us with children can't even begin to know how the parents are feeling unless you have been there.
Why are there such wicked, evil people in this world?
I'm just waiting for the day when they say to the parents "we've found her and she's alive and well"
oh i wish that so very much.

13-05-07, 17:38
Maddys parents have made a mistake by leaving the children alone , having anxiety I cant leave my kids for 1 min without worrying, there is no way I could go for a meal knowing they are alone in bed, my food would stick in my throat! But having said that, there are plenty of people who would and do leave their kids alone , but I dont think maddys parents are to blame, for them to live with that guilt would be torture.
Maddys mother looks so frail, I did cry seeing her , I notised her breathing was all wrong, she was hyperventalating......I remember when sarah payne went missing, when the news announced her body had be found I cried so much. These are innocent little children,,,they should be more protected, sarah paynes killer was known by the police to be a pedo......its sick.
Infact when I was a little girl, my nan and grandad lived next door to sarah paynes killer, he was about 10 years older than me and my cousin said she rembers he used to watch us kids thru the garden fence playing....he must of been about 16 years old then ? Why he turned into such a monster i dont know ?
Ok sorry to rant on and on, It just makes me soooooo mad .

Granny Primark
13-05-07, 18:58
One year while we were on holiday in spain we left our son age 16 to look after our daughter age 5 (who was undressed and asleep) while we went to a bar literally 50 meters away to have a drink.
We left the hotel at 8pm. Imagine how horrified we were an hour later to see our daughter come in the bar to us still dressed in her little nightie. She told us her brother was asleep and she was lonely.
The guilt we felt was terrible.
I dread to think of the guilt these 2 loving parents must be feeling.
I dont think its ever safe to leave a child. This world is a very dangerous place.
Only in December of last year did I discover that 2 doors away the neighbours son was in prison for downloading child porn!
I live in a quiet little cul de sac on a small private estate. Its the last place you would imagine a pedafile to live. And I would never have dreamed he could do such a wicked thing as hes always seemed a very friendly nice guy.
It just goes to show that you can trust no one.

Take care

13-05-07, 23:12
My haert broke whan I heard the news, the feeling of sorrow fell over me, like others, I am a mother too. I felt the familys pain.

To have a child taken from you at such a young age, my mother knows what that feels like, my brother died when he was only six years old (road accident) the sorry the pain, is soo unbearable.

For this family the sorrow goes on, knot knowing where there little child is. I can't let my mind go there, I will not, I just can't begin to understand what they are going through, soo much hurt and pain. I have to keep hope alive that they will find her, safe and unharmed.

I too am not a person who prays, but what I would ask is are maker to show himself, show us where this little child is, keep her safe, send us in the right direction so we can find her and bring her home. Please here us, the whole world is pleading with you.


13-05-07, 23:22
It is an awful thing! I have been praying and watching the news, waiting to hear that she has been found safe and sound. I can only imagine what her parents are going through, I never left my daughter at all, I was so afraid that something could happen, and I would never forgive myself. I really hope and pray there is some positive news soon.

s boyd
13-05-07, 23:46
Sounds silly but I wish I could do something - I even feel a bit guilty I cant.

14-05-07, 07:11
They are setting up a fund so the parents can stay out in portugal, how they will ever leave that place i dont know ? Hopefully a miracle will happen, I really hope that will happen.

14-05-07, 14:25
http://i96.photobucket.com/albums/l171/cheyennerodriguez/4acd32c8.giffor missing Maddie.

x x x x x x x x x x

14-05-07, 15:24
I heard about this two days ago. Certainly seems to be very upsetting at the moment not knowing what is happening to her. I really, really hope Madeline is safe somewhere out there where somebody can find her and take her back home to the comfort of her parents. I do also hope whoever has got her realise what their doing isn't right, and will kindly bring Madeline back to her parents or the police, or the huge numbers of other people looking for her too.

14-05-07, 16:42
I too have been watching the news and checking on the net for any updated information. What her parents must be going through must be sheer hell, I cannot even begin to imagine their anguish and pain they must be feeling.

Im not one to judge but I so wonder why they made the decision to leave 3 young kids in a bedroom while they sat and enjoyed a meal.................bizarre!! That is something that will haunt them forever.

Thanks for the link to the light a candle site and little maddie will continue to be in my prayers too

Luv darkangel x

15-05-07, 14:43
Darkangel-they were checking on them every half an hour and it was between checking that someone broke into the room and took her. Although I'm not a parent myself, I agree that I personally wouldn't have left 3 young children in a room on their own. If that was the only option, I would have rather gone to another holiday resort where the kids could eat with me!
Having said that, they are searching the house of a guy who lives near by and they've drained his swimming pool. Apparently, he'd claimed to be helping Maddy's parents, translating into/from Portugese. They aren't saying much on the news at the mo-it's all very mysterious. However, I've heard they are setting up a charity for members of the public to enable her parents to stay out in Portugal until she's found.

15-05-07, 16:00
Im actually feeling more concerned since just watching the news,
this guy IS a suspect they have announced. It reminded me of that huntley guy who was on the tv trying to help find the two girls he murdered....
this guy is doing exactly the same thing !
I really hope Im wrong but apparently this guy has a daughter the same age as maddy and why have they ripped his house to bits ?
The portuguese will not give anything away, its unbearable .

15-05-07, 18:08
I heard to on the news this morning that a journalist reported this man to the police 3 days after maddi went missing, as he was asking too many questions, getting too close [as she put it] I have just one question, why was nothing done then?

15-05-07, 21:13
I pray they find her ok - with a son the same age, it is just too heartbreakign to imagine what her parents are going through, not knowing where their precious little one is. Just keep hoping each time i turn the news on that it will be good news. Vix

17-05-07, 19:29
It has been 2 weeks now that she was taken. Why havent they found her yet - especially with the big reward money they are offering.

I just hope whoever has got her is taking good care of her, and that their guilty consciencious will get the better of them and will return her to her parents.