View Full Version : Panic and Anxiety over and over

01-07-17, 09:22
Hi everyone,

I've only just signed up, feeling a need to talk to people who can relate. In September I started a new job, i had much more responsibility than I should have and hardly any support from my workplace. I was also living away from my partner/family/friends for this job. In that time I also lost two of my grandparents. The stress was giving me heart palpitations. I spiralled downwards and felt awful about myself and my situation so started job hunting. I thankfully started a new job at the beginning of June but just a few days before starting I suddenly went boiling hot with sweating, felt like my throat was closing up,felt like my heart was racing and felt sick and really odd. I don't want to sound dramatic but I thought I was going to die, I hadn't experienced it before so ended up in A&E who said my ECG was normal and my bloods were too.
After doing some research I think it was a panic attack and I have since been quite scared of having another one.
I have had to have some blood and stool tests done at the doctors this week, I'm terrified I've got something wrong with me. Wednesday whilst at work I had a funny turn and again felt hot and dizzy and sick and had a butterfly type feeling in my chest. Thursday I felt anxious sick all day and Friday was the same. I was driving home and the sudden butterflies in my chest started again and the feeling of nausea. I got really upset because I'm terrified of the symptoms, they are so frightening.
I've never spoken to a doctor about my anxiety, I'm starting to worry about going out incase the symptoms start again. I've got an appointment on Wednesday because of changes in a mole I have and still waiting on test results and it's driving me crazy.
If anyone has any similar feelings or any remedies they have found effective or even any words of support I would really appreciate your help. I'm struggling a lot :(
Sorry for the essay!

01-07-17, 19:24
Had a constant tightness of my chest all afternoon [emoji17]

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01-07-17, 22:20
Panic is anxiety that will escalate to if you let it. What you fear is the fear of having a panic attack. There is a wealth info on the GAD board and the internet. Take walks outside when you can and breathe, keep you mind and body busy. You can get through this.

03-07-17, 04:06
I totally understand how you feel. My first attack sent me toA&E too followed by weeks of constant reoccurring symptoms. That was7 years ago but I still now have occasional attacks. Very scary.

05-07-17, 08:45
Really sad that your are going through a situation which I also endured 15 years before. It is important to realize a few points
You are completely healthy. There is no physical or mental illness. What you experienced is stress reaction. You were going through heavy stress that you could not cope but panic attack is just a normal body reaction to that though scary but not dangerous. It is not a heart attack, you will not faint, you will not go crazy and you will not lose control of yourself.
If you keep fearing another panic attack, you keep yourself tensed and anxious which will create some abnormal body sensations and your panicked mind will take it as another oncoming panic attack .Before you know it you are trapped in vicious circle of fear.
Help is available. Never Google your symptoms which can make it worse. Google some self-help books written by experts about overcoming panic attacks buy them and read them
If you feel your symptoms as unbearable don't hesitate Take medicine from a clinical psychologist.

05-07-17, 18:20
Thank you for your guidance everyone. I went to my GP today and have been referred for CBT and have been put on some meds.
I am still getting a butterfly chest sensation, I was hoping that would maybe relax a bit once I'd spoken to the doctor but it is still there!
Guess I'll just power through

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