View Full Version : Am I burning out?

01-07-17, 12:58
Writing has been a passion and career path I've been pursuing for years, but I'm starting to worry that I'm starting to burnout as I'm struggling to think coherently. For the past five years, I've been voluntarily running a website with a team of writers in my spare time where I review products as it has been my passion to forge a media career. However, it has always been a difficult juggling act with full time work. For the past six months I've been working as a paid full-time writer for another website working from home, but because it isn't related to the industry I'm passionate about I've also been trying to keep up the voluntary work as well. In my full-time role, I'm required to write a quota of articles every day which I'm finding stressful as I often end up working 10 hour days trying to find enough content. In the meantime, I've been receiving products to review for my voluntary work but have been struggling to keep up. Consequently, the only time I have to do it is on evenings and weekends when I should be relaxing and socialising. And yet I feel unfulfilled if I don't do it, hence the vicious circle of taking on work and procrastinating.

I constantly feel guilty over the work I haven't produced which is causing tensions with other voluntary writers. Whenever I try to write anything I experience severe anxiety and often drift whole days away failing to achieve anything. It's as if my brain is struggling to get into gear and formulate original thoughts. Even writing this forum post was a struggle! Sometimes it gets so bad that I have what can only be described as temper tantrums where I scream and shout out of frustration at my inability to write anything worthwhile. More recently I've been experiencing insomnia when I usually have no trouble sleeping. I explained this to my doctor who prescribed me with mild tablets which haven't worked and has arranged a counselling session for me to be assessed. I'm not sure if I'm experiencing depression, anxiety, or burnout, or a mixture of all three. Has anyone else been in a similar situation? If so how did you cope?

01-07-17, 14:58
Classic stress I reckon. You need to find ways to cut back the workload