View Full Version : Anxiety is ruining my life, I'm convinced I am going to die

01-07-17, 14:53
HI all

I guess I'm here because I'm at the end of my rope, I have GAD and I feel like I cannot cope. I am convinced I am going to die, used to be heart attack, now its cirrhosis (I used to be a very heavy drinker - self medicating my anxiety).

I'm constantly disaster thinking. I called the Samaritans last night because I was suicidal and talked for 45 minutes, now I'm paranoid I sounded stupid on the phone.

I don't feel like I'm getting better, like I'm just spiraling down. I want my life back.

I'm sorry I couldn't say anything more productive, I just don't know what to say other than my life is hell right now and I'm scared it won't stop.

Anxiety is destroying my life.

01-07-17, 17:55
I'm so sorry you're feeling this way. I've been where you are now many, many times. As difficult as it is, you are not going to die. You can't and won't die of anxiety. Talking to someone professional might help, or just confiding in a friend. Talking is a cure, trying to remain functional a challenge that should motivate you to move forward. Find the things that make you feel good, try and remember you are in control, no matter what the anxiety wants you to believe. :)

01-07-17, 20:31

I actually made a similar post around a week ago. I was 100% at the end of my tether, feeling completely horrific and whilst I'm still feeling pretty much the same in terms of my anxiety, I'm more hopeful. I've started a different medication and I'm looking forward to seeing improvements in the weeks to come :)

I spoke with my psychiatrist who assured me he will do everything he can to ensure I am get better. There are SO many medications out there, SO many types of therapy, and there is bound to be something that can help you. Don't be scared you'll never feel better, because you will, you just might need medical help to do so. I can't stress enough how important it is to see a mental health professional about this.

Best of luck :)