View Full Version : Feels like im getting nowhere.

01-07-17, 21:15
For ages ive suffered health anxiety, jumping from one illness to the next. My newest fear that is really worrying me is ovarian cancer. Im 19 amd have period pains but no period, some pain when having sex, and im sure ive found a lump in my pelvic area. I camt tell if im bloated or not as i have put weight on my stomach. I am on the implant, but before had the injection. I dont know what to do anything. Its just taking over my life!!

Im positive it is this cancer, i have a doctors appointment on wednesday.

01-07-17, 21:29
As many have said to me 'it isn't cancer until you're told it's cancer'. I understand that it's easier said than done! I also struggle with health anxiety. Remember you are not alone, do not google any symptoms and also remember you've done the right thing by making a doctors appointment. That is a big step in itself!
Good luck and make sure you let me know how it goes, try and stay positive. My mum always says to me to leave my worries until I know there is something to worry about. Again easier said than done! We are all here :)

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01-07-17, 21:34
Im positive it is this cancer, i have a doctors appointment on wednesday.

I'm positive it's not! You're 19 for goodness sakes! You've been positive about at least three different deadly illnesses in the last 6 months, none of which were the case. One thing I am positive about it the severity of your anxiety. Please discuss your anxiety with your doctor and get some real life professional help. You're afraid of deadly illnesses that could take your life but your anxiety is already doing that!

Positive thoughts

03-07-17, 17:41
i think maybe it is all related to a urinary tract infection as it really hurts to wee and throbs after. If the pain carries on im going to get an earlier appointment as ive had this infection before and know how uncomfortable they can be.😣