View Full Version : Panic attacks back with vengeance

02-07-17, 09:22
Hello all, I've had anxiety for years and take fluoxetine but recently my panic attacks have come back with a vengeance and I feel like I'm on edge all day. I panic in ques, if I have to wait, in busy situations I use to be able to control them but recently I've not been able to. I'm going to go back the doctors tomorrow just wondering if this has happened to others and if it went again? Any tips?

03-07-17, 02:13

03-07-17, 04:11
I've had panic attacks for years. I don't really have any answers but I find exercise can help. If you have a supportive GP, it is worth seeing if there is any help.

05-07-17, 08:13
You can never get ride of anxiety because it is just like any other emotion like anger,sadness etc. So now you are not able to control or manage anxiety as you used to.
I believe until now you were just successfully avoiding it by clever distraction s rather than confronting it. May be you are now going through a rough time in your life, and unknowingly feeding your anxiety thoughts. And it came back stronger.
Medication alone will not help. Take this an opportunity to find out what is stressing you . Also make a conscious attempt to face and defeat anxiety situations without using distraction technique s. Over time it will reduce and hopefully will not return during stressfull period s in your life.