View Full Version : Constant fear

02-07-17, 19:25
Hey I don't know why I'm posting this really but I've been panicking over and over and over again with so many health issues right now I don't even know how to deal with it.

I can't get a Drs appointment for a week or two and it's unbearable for me I'm constantly worried about a bad diagnosis ect ect... health anxiety drove me out of my home for half a year so you can see I'm rubbish at controlling it :(

If anyone at all has expirenced weird bald patches/patch around your upper breast with warm to the touch skin in that area please respond >< I'm terrified it's cancer (well obviously I guess). I keep trying to tell myself I had laser hair surgery a few years back and it's just something from that but it always gets knocked out by that giant fear of breast cancer

Sorry for the rambling I just don't really have much of an outlet

03-07-17, 04:22
Hey, sorry you are feeling this way.

I have two bald patches on my breasts in two different areas and also one my leg which I have no idea got there.

How come you have to wait nearly two weeks for an a appointment? That seems very long!

Feel free to PM me if you are still feeling down.

03-07-17, 13:50
I'm sorry to hear you're feeling like this. You're far from alone, I can assure you.

I've never heard of bald patches in the general breast area being a sign of breast cancer (and as a breast owner with health anxiety, I'd like to think that I know the signs quite well). As humans a lot of us can have random bald patches here and there. Sections where the hair follicles are being a bit different. That sort of thing.

I hope you start to feel better soon.