View Full Version : Me and broken bones

Clydesdale Epona
03-07-17, 00:35
Let me start of by agreeing that its getting ridiculous and I'm sick of it too.

I was going about my night all ready to get into bed when I noticed my right hand hurt when I extended my fingers a lot. Of course after that I started comparing both hands and little sticky out bone bit under the thumb one is a little more pokey out and bigger than my left one, so I'm now convinced its broken or dislocated and it seems sleep will be on the back burner even though I have a bush day tomorrow :weep: is the difference I'm noticing in my head? is it a bad thing? I don't know why but I always associate broken and dislocated bones with death because what if I don't notice it soon enough? but I guess its silly as they can't really kill you unless they're poking out? having a really fixating day so apologies in advance x

03-07-17, 01:21
Not sure what you mean... You seem very fixated on bone problems as being a cause of emminent death. People break bones all the time, are treated, and are totally fine. Also, I broke a bone once without noticing how exactly(in my foot, during pregnancy)... The pain was excruciating, almost constantly, even while sitting. Not exactly something you can brush off. Also, everyone's hands (and whole body) are different side to side. My right hand is significantly larger, and the bones, callouses, tendons, etc look different. More prominent wrist bone, etc. You are in an HA spiral. Look back at your post and see what it sounds like. Your anxiety is likely worse since you know you need to rest for an event. We all tend to worry that serious illness will ruin our plans... More often it's the worrying that ruins things (sleep, relaxation, etc). You need to distract yourself and quit spiraling.

03-07-17, 01:33
Totally agree with the above poster as a species we are all asymmetrical in nature and believe me when I say this but you would Definately know if you had a broken bone I broke the knuckle on my little finger last year and me being me thought I could just wait out the pain for a day or 2 no big deal however later that evening the pain was that bad I was at the A&E for an Xray which confirmed a break. I've never heard of a case how someone suddenly died from a broken bone you are letting your anxiety run away with all rationality.