View Full Version : DVT Fear/Calf Pain

03-07-17, 00:54
Hello, I'm currently really anxious about the possibility of having DVT. Over the last two or three days I noticed that if I put pressure on my right calf or squeezed it hurt. So, despite knowing better, I googled my symptoms and DVT came up since squeezing/touching producing pain seemed to be a sign. I kept squeezing the calf to see if it hurt and it did and even kept hurting after but now went away. I tried checking my other leg but it didn't hurt until much later after I stopped. The calf isn't red or super warm to the touch but I'm worried it could be something serious. I also noticed my right calf sticks out more than the left but I don't if it's always been like that or if its swollen. I have gone to a doctor over this anxiety before and they said its unusual at my age and weight (90 lbs) but I have read horror stories of young 20's getting these things.

It doesn't hurt when I walk around but I did read you aren't supposed to press your foot back or something since it could make things worse and that worried me more since I did so that.

I don't exercise much but I'm not bedridden either or have gone on super long flights. So I'm unsure if I should just keep an eye on it....

03-07-17, 01:37
Most people that are not elderly develop these things as a result of serious injury, surgery, etc. You are fine. It's probably a bit of muscle tension. Here's an observation for ya... At my worst I'd probably push on both calves so much that, in the morning, I'd notice pain in one of them, and not remember right away which one I was "supposed" to be worried about, checking, etc. I've had the symptoms switch sides on me and then, of course, the whole HA thing seems so reasonable compared to the imaginary illness. But while we are going through it it seems so scary and real.