View Full Version : How are you after a severe bout of anxiety?

03-07-17, 10:06
Hi. I've been under a lot of stress over the past couple of months. I realised what anxiety was, I thought I was bad but no this was worse. Anyways, I don't know if I am actually ill or just recovering from the stress/ anxiety. I feel drained, I get tired so easy & feel very weak. I get breathless & funny feelings in my chest. I don't know. I'm avoidant so can't face the doctor, oh the joys.
Just needing others experience here, has anyone come out of a bout of severe anxiety & felt really unwell?
I just need a little reassurance & then my mind will wonder onto its next worry :/
Thankyou x

03-07-17, 12:09
Hi. When my anxiety has been really bad it takes me about a week to recover from it fully as it just completely drains me. It takes me longer mentally to recover as it's also mentally draining.
But I feel that once I'm back virtually normal I have another thing to worry about. It's a horrible never ending cycle
Hope you feel better soon

03-07-17, 12:34
We've all been there. It's worse when actually recovering from an illness with the HA on top of it... Takes at least a week to feel more normal from a panic episode.

03-07-17, 12:35
I'm the same, I feel exhausted after a severe bout of anxiety. All I want to do is go to bed! I have also had symptoms lasting for days like the nausea and weird chest sensations.

I try to do meditation and breathing exercises every morning to attempt to have a day without anxiety. Not something I've been doing for ages so haven't noticed the effects yet

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