View Full Version : Bad nausea from anxiety

03-07-17, 10:40
Nausea has always been a large part of my anxiety and probably the most difficult symptom for me to deal with as I have quite bad emetophobia. Recently my morning nausea has been getting worse and becoming quite debilitating. I struggle to get to work on time and when I’m there just sit at my desk sipping water trying to calm down.

In my head I know it’s ‘just’ anxiety and I’ve never thrown up from anxiety but I know that other people have so even telling myself that the cause is anxiety (rather than a stomach bug etc.) doesn’t really help me calm down as it doesn’t remove the threat of vomiting. It’s getting so bad I was worried I could be pregnant (even though that’s essentially not possible, and even if I was it would be so so early on that I doubt morning sickness would be causing an issue yet).

I drink water as soon as I wake up, I meditate, and I make sure I do eat something, but even so the nausea just gets worse from the moment I wake up until mid/late morning, it reoccurs in small waves throughout the day in general but the morning is the worst. It doesn’t happen at the weekends, just days when I have work and this is the only thing that makes me sure it is anxiety, because otherwise it’s so bad I would be querying whether I had some other condition or stomach problem.

Does anyone have any other tips for dealing with it? In addition to the things I do in the morning, I don’t eat late at night, don’t drink alcohol, don’t drink coffee and try to get enough sleep.

03-07-17, 12:26
I have nausea with anxiety as well though I am sometimes sick with mine when my anxiety is really bad. That doesn't mean that you will be sick though. I have found that when I feel nausea sometimes concentrating on my breathing and taking deep breaths helps me. Try to focus on something else rather than worrying about being sick, I know that can be hard but when you are distracted you won't feel as bad.

You said this only happens when you have to work? Are you worrying about anything at work that could be making you feel bad?

06-07-17, 09:16
What really help my anxiety nausea is ginger tea from roots.

I drink it every morning and evening.

06-07-17, 13:25
I am exactly the same as you hon, I have lemon and ginger tea and the ginger helps with nausea, try it. Also camomile to relax you. Anxiety also depletes the body of magnesium so try some especially at night, will help you sleep

06-07-17, 14:19
Oh I'm glad I'm not alone. I don't get nauseous! If I let it, when I get anxiety I will gag and get dry heaves. I will start shaking and then my eyes tear up. I get like this before a job interview, and I've been looking for a job for 5 years. I find what works is to breath and calm myself down before it escalates into a panic.