View Full Version : Visual Disturbances Constant and Still here after 4 months of HA

03-07-17, 12:07
I had two eye exams 4 months ago and I apparently both eyes were perfectly healthy - at the time I was only getting floaters and visual static at night.

My HA, which went on to develop symptoms that I've ruled out as psychosomatic such as Phantom Smells and heavy limbs, is playing up again in full at the moment.

I have visual trails, very slight double vision that is usually only noticeable of the object contrasts with the background. I don't have any problems reading and I had a basic neurological exam 2 months ago that didn't flag up any problems.

What really scared me is I was on an international flight yesterday and during take off and landing whenever I looked out the window I would get this weird shadowy kaleidoscope effect on my left eye. I have been poking and prodding and testing it for a month and I know that's incredibly stupid and really doesn't help when it comes to eliminating potential issues.

I just don't know how this could just be anxiety.

During the blood tests my doctors flagged up an increase in prolactin. So I have an Endocrinology appointment on the 17th of August which is likely going to result in an MRI. I know most prolactin issues are benign but it's still scary.

The main thing is my doctors and my therapist encouraged me to go on this month long trip to America and now I'm lying paralysed in bed wondering if I'm doing irreparable damage to my eye or potentially killing myself by not going home and getting the first private appointment available.

03-07-17, 12:32
Get to a place where you can get up and do something. Visual disturbances are common in HA sufferers... We all get them. You need to believe that your eyes HAVE BEEN CHECKED and are HEALTHY. You are sabotaging yourself. Go eat a meal, see a landmark, anything that gets you up and moving. Take a vacation from HA.

04-07-17, 02:51
I see auras in my left eye. It looks as though I am looking at neon all around my peripheral. My neurologist told me they are related to migraines and headaches and that they may even come and go without any pain. As an anxiety sufferer I didn't believe him and went into panic mode. A few weeks ago I was talking to my stepmom, she suffers from migraines as well and she said, "Oh well I see what looks like a waterfall rush over my vision in my left eye right before I get headaches." I can't tell you how much better that made me feel. I still suffer with anxiety over it and other symptoms but just know as strange as visual disturbances seem so many of us have them. Hope you feel better