View Full Version : The Dangers of not confronting the fear

up a ladder
11-05-07, 22:42
I have a dilemma...

I know the answer to this really, but would like to raise it anyway.

I probably cover 3-5 meetings a month outside of my day-day work, I used to have problems with these, but not recently.

I had a meeting in London last week that I got to, but it was hard. Felt cured after that (for a day anyway).
I have been given two meetings to attend next week in Nottingham (about 120 miles from me) One Tuesday, one Wednesday. I have to come home as my wife works in the evenings.

I basically told my boss today that I was not coping well and want to meet him Monday. The idea being that I either requested time off or he left me to stay in my local office for a few weeks to catch up.
Realistically I am desperately trying to avoid the meetings.

These meetings are very high level and I am basically representing him...

I have no desire to be seen running out of the meeting screaming.....You know what I mean:winks:

11-05-07, 22:57
Hello upaladder.

I climbed a mountain today.

I didn't want to, I tried to avoid it, thought of cancelling it (would have complicated things for me big time) but in the end, after a lot of support and ecouragement from NMP......I did it.

I hated the days prior to it, the racing thoughts, the panic symptoms, the self doubt, the fear of personal ridicule - and of running out of the meeting screaming.

The fear of facing it I can say was , and you already know this cos you've just said, a lot worse than the fear I felt during the actual excercise.

Rescue Remedy was a godsend, and all the good advice I'd received. Like believing in yourself (because your boss obviously has faith in you!), facing the fear head on - and just doing your best.

So, my flag is fluttering away on top of the mountain now (til the next time, and then there'll be another one!)........be nice to see yours there too!

I hope the meeting with your boss is constructive. Good luck!


16-05-07, 22:20
Hi there up a ladder

I agree with groovygranny. Your boss obviously does have faith in you! Sometimes we do need to reel back in and have some recovery time. But so long as you can be honest with yourself in recognising when that is all, and you're not avoiding more and more things.

Sometimes we do need to look after ourselves and say, that is one step too far. For now. But other times we must look deep inside and say, I'm just putting it off (I'm good at that!) this is one I must tackle, lets look it in the eye and have a go. Maybe thoughts of representing your boss make it harder because it adds to responsibility. But he must have confidence in your ability to do that, otherwise he would not ask you.

I do make sure I have rescue remedy spray with me so I can use it before I walk in. Also I take immodium as a preventative if I really think its necessary (one less thing to need to walk out for). I drink camomile & spearmint tea in the morning. The combination is soothing and settling. And I try to eat something healthy and sustaining like muesli as I find adrenaline really play hell with my blood sugar which makes me feel worse. So if I can do my best to keep energy levels steady it really helps.

Sorry it got a bit long. I tend to write from the heart, so you get what I really feel. Only sometimes it does get a bit long... Hope its useful. ;-)