View Full Version : Anyone trouble breathing when not in a panic attack?

03-07-17, 16:14
Do you have trouble getting a satisfactory breath even when your not having a panic attack? It's been like this for a month straight

03-07-17, 16:17
Do you have trouble getting a satisfactory breath even when your not having a panic attack? It's been like this for a month straight
I had that for a few week before. I think it was because of a chest infection. Went away by itself though. Also have it if I lie in a weird position on my side. Bad posture can cause it for sure.. you visited your doc?


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03-07-17, 17:12
Can't get in for a week :(

03-07-17, 17:30
I had it for a month straight as well and nothing was wrong, I was just hyper-focused on my breathing and therefore never felt like I was getting a full breath.

Definitely make an appointment just in case, but I found distracting things very helpful.

08-08-17, 15:42
I started breathing through my nose more, it took a lot of focus but a month later and I feel better.

08-08-17, 16:39
I actually get this too ... but usually only when I focus on it, and think about it too much.

If I am distracted/occupied then I don't even notice it. It just happens when I allow my mind to wander (like right now, because I am talking about it!!).

It feels like I get 90% of a breath in, but I can't quite get that last little bit that makes it feel like my lung is full and I've taken a satisfying breath. Subconciously I know it doesn't make any difference and I'm getting air, but once you notice it, it becomes a "thing" and it's all you can focus on.

I switch to breathing through my nose, 5 seconds in, 5 seconds out, then I make myself yawn if I can. Finally I will get a full, satisfying, lung-full after a few mins where it feels like I'm filling them to capacity. Sometimes it takes a few minutes though depending on how stressed I am about it.


13-08-17, 21:39
I've done this since I was a kid, and know exactly what you mean. It's a really frustrating feeling, but the key thing to remember is that it's just you over-fixating on your breathing - there is nothing physically wrong with you and this problem can't and won't hurt you. Try and distract yourself as best you can and eventually it will go away.

Pea Tear Griffin
14-08-17, 13:29
Yeah its because you are focusing on it.

I noticed I had it when I thought I had a heart problem so when I would lay down I would think my breathing was difficult.

Odd anxiety is :hugs:

19-08-17, 09:55
I've been able to get to grips (kind of) with this when I realised the pattern. I was thinking about all my physical symptoms one day, trying to analyse them and break them down. I realised I didn't seem to get the shortness of breath or hyperventilation. A couple of days later (while on holiday) I could not, whatever I tried, get a full breath. I didn't feel particularly anxious, it just happened. Then I started focusing on it and it became worse. I would think to myself that I hadn't felt it yet that day, and it would start happening soon after.

When it does happen, I do alternate nostril breathing or a yoga breath called Ujjayi, which is like a Darth Vader breath but really helps me!

There are videos on YouTube of how to do both.

Alternate nostril breathing is like an elixir of life for me sometimes, it's only downfall is that it's not very discreet, but perfect for doing at home.