View Full Version : Pooping small balls + late period

03-07-17, 17:10
Over the past month or so, 90% of my bowel movements have just been coming out in small balls. My diet hasn't changed recently and I used to get stools that were a lot looser. I'm worried that it could mean cancer or something is wrong.

I don't know if it's related, but my period is over 10 days late. My periods are often irregluar and have been for nearly 10 years, but I'm worried about that too. I'm worried that I have something wrong with my womb/ovaries (cancer) and it's causing my late period and has spread elsewhere and is causing the poop issues.

Has anyone else ever experienced anything like either of these? What did you do?

03-07-17, 17:25
You need to drink more water and add more fiber to your diet. Visiting a gynecologist will help you with meds to regulate your cycle. That will be the first thing they will suggest. Go in and get checked. No, none of it sounds like cancer. Hard poo suggests that you need lots more water, fruits, and vegetables.

03-07-17, 17:44
You need to drink more water and add more fiber to your diet. Visiting a gynecologist will help you with meds to regulate your cycle. That will be the first thing they will suggest. Go in and get checked. No, none of it sounds like cancer. Hard poo suggests that you need lots more water, fruits, and vegetables.

I do drink a few bottles of water a day but it's probably not enough and I certainly don't eat enough fruits and vegetables, that's for sure. I'll see if my doctor can transfer me to a gynecologist. I did have a womb scan over a year ago with the same anxieties, and they said it was fine. They couldn't find my left ovary though, they said "maybe something's blocking it" as in an organ. I've been anxious ever since then about it. But they didn't seem concerned so hopefully they're right and it was just something else in the way. I'll ask my doctor if I can get another womb scan.

I'll try adding more fruits and vegetables to my diet and drink more water, too. Thanks for your reply

03-07-17, 18:04
There's no reason to get a scan. No one needs frequent a diagnostic imaging for routine concerns like yours! If you had PCOS or another ovarian problem, you would have incapacitating pain during ovulation and /or menstruation that would necessitate an ultrasound. Irregular periods means you need some hormonal help to regulate, birth control pills, etc. You do not need another scan. You've already had one and everything was fine. You need to trust that. Drink more water, add a fiber tablet or more fruit or whatever, and see your doctor about menstrual irregularity. It is extremely common.

03-07-17, 22:52
There's no reason to get a scan. No one needs frequent a diagnostic imaging for routine concerns like yours! If you had PCOS or another ovarian problem, you would have incapacitating pain during ovulation and /or menstruation that would necessitate an ultrasound. Irregular periods means you need some hormonal help to regulate, birth control pills, etc. You do not need another scan. You've already had one and everything was fine. You need to trust that. Drink more water, add a fiber tablet or more fruit or whatever, and see your doctor about menstrual irregularity. It is extremely common.

Every other period I do get can be pretty painful, and I usually get very painful diarrhea with it (well, my stomach cramps are AWFUL, then I'll get diarrhea and then a day or two later my period will come). But I'm gonna try and accept that I had a scan and it was ok, and try and eat a lot better like you suggested, and go see the doctor ASAP about my period being irregular. I'm usually ok about it all but sometimes it builds up and I think with all the "symptoms" I've had, there must be something wrong.

03-07-17, 23:13
I get the same symptoms. I have a cyst on my left ovary, and ovulation is very painful sometimes. It's all really normal. If it were to get worse or cause irregular periods, they would put me on a hormonal bcp to shrink the cyst and regulate everything before doing anything more drastic. Source: my gynecologist.

04-07-17, 02:42
Hi there. I've had these symptoms over the last few months. I was so concerned over abdominal pain and my period not coming it finally came 12 days late. I called my gyno that I've been seeing since I was 18 and I've also had 3 babies with and they scheduled me in for a check up and ultra sound in 2 months, so obviously they weren't so concerned that they scheduled me in immediately (and they have done this many times) which let me know I shouldn't be overly concerned either. As mentioned before I have been through A LOT with this doctor and team of nurses and trust them with my life. I was also having ridiculously small poops at the time, and I'm extremely regular. I eventually decided the small poops/constipation was due to starting celexa. Are you on any anti anxiety medication? A lot of them can cause this. I've been back on Celexa for about 4 months now and it evened out and my poo has returned to normal, I'm sure you all are really happy to know this about me. Also, I added coffee back into my diet I stopped drinking it due to anxiety, but added decaf back in after my poop issues, helped so much until my body got back to normal. Another weird thing Celexa did to me and I'm going to go there in case you are having this too...sex. My husband and I have a really great sex life and I was having trouble getting there. This was going on at the same time as my constipation and late period. My neurologist told me that sexual dysfunction and constipation are common side effects, both side effects are gone now. Just try and relax (as an anxiety sufferer I know, yeah right) and know that you're period will eventually come and have it checked out as soon as possible. Good luck!