View Full Version : Anyone turned down for help?

12-05-07, 03:50
Hi to all reading this

I wondered if anyone had been turned down for 'help' ie psychologist or 'specialist/councillor' anything really? I am agoraphobic since last May/June although suffered anxiety/panic attacks for 30+ years. I asked my gp last year if I could see someone to help me, she said that you have to be in a really bad way like wanting to throw ureself off a bridge before you could get seen (I live in Suffolk). I think this is outragous! I live on my own and have to rely on neighbours to get my shopping for me, it's just so upsetting, I've also been turned down for disability, but I am appealing. What do I have to do to get help? I don't want to be stuck indoors the rest of my life:mad:
Anyone have any suggestions please? (I can't afford to go private).

12-05-07, 04:15
Hi Elspeth,

This is just my opinion but i think you should change your gp - sounds like she is treating you unfairly. I would have thought you would be entitled to CBT at the very least.

I've had some bad experiences with GP's - some of them seem extremely unsympathetic/ unknowledgeable about anxiety disorders. Luckily i've finally ended up with one that seems ok. Hope you do too, take care,

Scarlett x

17-05-07, 00:39
Hi Scarlett

Thanks for replying. As no-one else has replied I guess that I am the only one who can't get help. I wonder if it's just this part of the country. My gp is usually very good which is why I took her word for it. Now she has retired, I will try again with another doctor, but I have trouble getting there. Oh dear God, when will this nightmare end??!!:mad:


17-05-07, 08:46
I haven't actually been turned down, i was never offered the counselling they say i need!!!!
I was assesed at my local mental health place, told i need counselling then told they don't offer it on the NHS unless you're almost killing yourself, so if i want it i will have to find around £45 per hour for god knows how long which i can't do so................. NO HELP FOR ME:curse:

17-05-07, 09:21
Hi to all reading this

I wondered if anyone had been turned down for 'help' ie psychologist or 'specialist/councillor' anything really? I am agoraphobic since last May/June although suffered anxiety/panic attacks for 30+ years. I asked my gp last year if I could see someone to help me, she said that you have to be in a really bad way like wanting to throw ureself off a bridge before you could get seen (I live in Suffolk). I think this is outragous! I live on my own and have to rely on neighbours to get my shopping for me, it's just so upsetting, I've also been turned down for disability, but I am appealing. What do I have to do to get help? I don't want to be stuck indoors the rest of my life:mad:
Anyone have any suggestions please? (I can't afford to go private).

Hi Elspeth, Well I think your Dr's treatment of you is appalling. I've had a variety of treatments offered to me over the years on the NHS, from group therapy to a year of CBT. Have you thought about phoning your local Mental Health Team? I was told once that you do not need a referral to contact them and they may be able to help you.

It never ceases to amaze me though how unfair the system is when it comes to giving therapy. I have a friend who suffers with IBS, which I know a lot of people with anxiety disorder also suffer with. She has no other problems at all yet she was offered 2yrs of weekly pyschotherapy for her IBS problem!

As for being turned down for Disability, what benefit did you apply for? I am agoraphobic and have been getting Disability Living Allowance at the lower mobility rate for about 12yrs. You are entitled to it. If you have been turned down then appeal against the decision.

17-05-07, 09:41
I have a similer promblem. My GP refered me to my local metal health team and i had an assesment. They assined a socal worker to me. Then i had another meeting with a doctor who wouldnt help me and then my socal worker left so i am completly on my own now.
There just isnot enough help out there. You could try writting to your local MP. When i was 12 my dad did that and got me help although was for ptsd. No i am 19 so i am an adult and am ment to be complytly fine which is rubbish. I am also agorophobic at the moment and desprently want help.

17-05-07, 11:58
Hi Elspeth,

Sorry to hear you're having trouble getting help. It's definitely worth asking again with another doctor though, it might help.

When I first had anxiety and was at my worst (about 4 years ago) I was referred to be assessed by the community mental health team with a view to me having CBT. I was told that the waiting list for CBT was 9 months and that I wasn't considered a severe enough case to be put on the list and even if I was the sessions would be limited. I was given a few self help leaflets and sent on my way. My doctor was horrified at this and referred me again. I had an assessment with a different person at a different place and same answer.
I was eventually offered a place at a CBT training clinic, ie with someone learning CBT still! He wasn't very good so in the end the only option I had was to pay for CBT myself. I had 8 sessions costing £90 each and it did really help. Thankfully I was working full time and could afford it back then but it's mad I even had to do that.

Currently I am continuing CBT on the NHS but I had to wait over 2 years to get it and I only managed to get it as I suffer with M.E and CBT can help with that so I got put on the ME CBT list.

I do wish you the best of luck with getting some help, don't give up trying, just keep pestering them until someone listens.


17-05-07, 23:47
Hi, thank you all for your replies. It's so strange how we're all treated differently. My gp wouldn't even send me for an assesment, but I will go back and try another doctor.

Alabasterlyn - I am on incapacity benefit and have been for about 17 months. I have appealed against the decision for disability living allowance, I am hoping to have them visit me because I can't go the 8 miles to where they want to see me, either that or they will do a 'paper' hearing and that won't be any good because they'll just have the same information as when they turned me down. So I'm keeping my fingers crossed that they will come to my home, and then I can sit face to face which will help. The thing that I find most amazing is that the first decision on disability living allowance is made by a non-medical person!! It's like me coming round yours to fix your washing machine, when I know nothing about washing machines:mad: Weird country we live in!:lac:
Take care all