View Full Version : Worried About Cramping

04-07-17, 02:02
I've been having harder stools and I have IBS. Three days ago after I have a movement there was quite a bit of blood on the tissue but none in the bowl. It stopped after I wiped and I went on with my day. Now three days later I have some cramping in my lower abdomen and my lower back. I spent like two hours panicking over what I was reading online. Ovarian cancer, pancreatic cancer, kidney infections....you make it I read it. Oh yeah colon cancer. Im freaked out. I can't stop thinking about it. I just went pee and it's clear and doesn't smell bad and when I wiped I checked for anything down there and there was some mucus but I think I'm ovulating so maybe I just pushed it back there to my bum? Idk I feel like I'm gonna lose it I'm so worried. I had a clear Pap smear two months ago so I'm trying to relax. And my doc did a full exam and didn't find anything.

04-07-17, 02:13
Are you sure of where the blood came from? If it came from your anus, it's more than likely a very minor fissure or hemorrhoid. Was it bright red or black and tarry?

04-07-17, 02:32
It was bright red. And I know it's not my period starting or anything because I just had my period

04-07-17, 02:44
It's probably just irritated from wiping, small fissure, or hemorrhoid. Abdominal pain comes and goes and is a normal occurrence with digestion. Anything more will cause pain intense enough you can't ignore it. Our brains jump to cancer as a diagnosis but there are so many harmless explanations. Remember the rule of 3... If it's gone on for 3 days then make an appointment. Otherwise you should wait and see if the symptoms go away. If you are like most here, you'll be fixated on something else by then anyway.