View Full Version : Doctors appointment today

04-07-17, 10:43

You may or may not have seen my post obsessing over a freckle/mole .. Well I've booked in the doctors today . I'm sick with worry I have our first family holiday abroad in 2 weeks and I'm scared if I have to be referred or the doctor thinks it looks suspicious I'll just spend the whole time worrying but if I don't go I'll be worrying anyway . I'm also scared that if it's ok , I'll find something else to worry about ! I desperately want it to be ok so I can just relax ! But I'm thinking today might be a good idea ( after the doc has looked ) to talk about my anxiety . I can't go on living in fear forever , unable to read about illness without thinking me or my children have it , I don't want tablets so I don't know what to expect the doctor to do I just know I can't go on .

Thanks for reading just needed to write it down I know it may seem trivial X

04-07-17, 11:07
Kudos for tackling this head on! You will need a referral to a therapist for when you return. You are wise to realize that another worry will take the place of this one.

04-07-17, 11:38
Thank you I'm so worried that they are gonna say the mole needs to be looked at further or that it looks like melanoma that I'm close to cancelling the appointment but if I don't go I'll be worrying the whole holiday that it's something bad ... Just so want it to be ok so I can relax and hopefully get some help with my anxiety X

04-07-17, 12:28
My husband had a very serious melanoma found during a skin check... Just goes to show that WE don't always know what looks suspicious but THEY do, they are trained for it. He had it removed and his lymph nodes checked and is still here, by the way. No sign of cancer. This is why it's so important to go to get a skin check once every year or two but to NOT WORRY the rest of the time. The vast majority of skin lesions are totally benign, and most skin cancers are easily treated. Even most melanomas are found and successfully treated. But it's not about that, is it? If it weren't a mole to you are obsessively watching, it would be another symptom, right? That's HA.

04-07-17, 17:23
Thank you for the replies !

The mole was fine . Actually she said it's a freckle ! I've been referred for some counselling after saying no to medication.

Hopefully a respite now from worrying ! I am banning myself from googling melanoma !!


04-07-17, 18:19
Glad it was all good and good you are taking steps in helping your anxiety counselling helped my HA massively.

Yes never google melanoma(or any illness for that matter), it will bring up images of perfectly healthy moles but are titled with someone scary!! :lac:

04-07-17, 18:42
Thank you for the replies !

The mole was fine . Actually she said it's a freckle ! I've been referred for some counselling after saying no to medication.

Hopefully a respite now from worrying ! I am banning myself from googling melanoma !!


Glad to hear all is Ok (I knew it was!) and that you've been referred for counselling. I'm going to hold you to your word about Googling and I know a patient of Dr. Google when I see one ;)

Positive thoughts

04-07-17, 18:52
Try try try to remember how all this happened, so next time a symptom comes up you can approach it with some clarity. Really, I guess that's what we are all trying to do!