View Full Version : Crying

04-07-17, 23:49
So I burst out crying about 5 times a day because I think I have some awful disease, anyone else do this?

05-07-17, 00:02
Oh yes. When I get bouts of HA I am often so scared I'll go through a box of tissues and feel totally hopeless.

But then after the crying has stopped I'll usually think OK STUFF THIS and try to get a handle on it. Sometimes that means understanding that what I KNOW I have is *anxiety* and how anxiety is responsible for sooooo many scary symptoms.

What are your fears? Sometimes laying them out can help, sometimes understanding that anxiety is very physical can help too.

Reassurance seeking is something to try to give up (it only adds to the vicious circle) but it's a learning process and can take time. If you look back through my messages you'll see times where I totally relapsed and years in between when I was mostly ok.

Hugs. It's a horrible way to feel but it WILL pass x

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05-07-17, 00:17
Well currently any kind of nerve problem because my eyelid is droopy (or brain tumor :( ) leukemia because my white blood count is super low (1.9) earlier today I was freaking out about esophagus cancer and stomach cancer :(

05-07-17, 00:29
That's quite a lot of diseases right there! (If you look back through my posts you'll see I've worried about pretty much all of them at one time or another and I'm still here 11 years later)

Anxiety has a huge effect on the nerves and that leads to all manner of symptoms that can worry us.

Are you receiving any help for your anxiety? X

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05-07-17, 16:38
When having a very acute episode of anxiety/ panic I will cry as well. I agree with Clairypoo. The reassurance of this site is helpful but it has the potential to add to the cycle of anxiety (for me anyway), so I try to limit my reassurance seeking for when I am going through those really bad times. Its a process and we have all been there!

Know that you are not alone and sometimes you need to let out a good cry! I would also recommend talking to a counselor who specialized in CBT. I felt so silly discussing my health anxiety at first but they've heard it all and in the end it was/ is helpful!

Best of luck!

14-10-18, 01:36
I know this post is old but it helped me out so much right now! I've been crying on and off for days now because my HA has been so bad and starting to feel hopeless. Also have an appointment in 2 weeks with my neurologist to discuss abnormal lab results. The news triggered IBS constipation, which then turned into a hemorrhoid (sorry for TMI) so HA is in overdrive. Anyway thank you for this post, because I have no one to talk to about this that understands and this was a reminder that I'm not alone.

15-10-18, 01:21
If I ever write an autobiography, I'm going to call it "Crying in Walmart".

15-10-18, 02:30
I used to find myself crying when I would think of letting my family down because of being stuck in mental health problems.

Also when my blips would reach their peak after several days I would just sink into crying. Most of that time I was out on my daily walks.

I think the first time I cried due to mental health issues was within 2 days of starting Citalopram. I hadn't felt what depression feels like until then as it was anxiety in those first 6 or so months.

I have found benefits in self care such as exercise, fresh air and also high strength Omega 3. The latter really balanced my moods after a few years of a med that I didn't realise had unbalanced them. This meant whilst I still had blips, which were much easier than earlier on when they were utterly horrid, I stopped getting the crash in low mood.

16-10-18, 14:13
Hi people I’m on citalopram 10mg per day and I have had to go on Diazepam to calm me down through the day as I have huge bursts or panic attacks and headaches and nausea. 3 weeks in now and I hate every single day atm.

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