View Full Version : Had A Big Argument In A Shop !!!

12-05-07, 13:49
Ive just returned home from a shopping trip with my husband and it was awful :weep: . My husband took the kids into woolworths so I said I will go into the card shop cos they had 10 cards for £1 :yesyes: , so I picked my 10 cards and joined the que. My heart started the usual panic attack and I looked out the window and could see my husband and kids looking for me (all looking confused) so I stepped aside out of the que to wave to them thru the window (basically saying here I am) and then went to rejoin the que and this girl had stood in my place :ohmy: . So I expalined to her that I was in the que but could see my husband looking for me outside looking worried, I said "Ive only got to pay £1 that I have ready in my hand, so do you mind" ?
but she was really nasty and said " get to the back of the que" and looked at all the other people with her eyes up in head!!! (by this time 4 people had joined the que) ....and they were all looking at me like I was a que jumper:blush: .

So I didnt know what to do cos my heart was racing , so In a panic I asked the shop assistent if I could just leave my £1 and go, well to my horror she gave me a dirty look !!! and totally ignored me and didnt answer me and the girl started shouting to every one , "we all dont like queing and why some people think they are different to the rest of us I dont know " she was really nasty the way she said it.
So I went beyond my panic and it turned into anger:lac: I started shouting back at here (totally not like me) I said " I am not trying to jump in, I was in this que before you and I asked you nicely if I could pay for my item quickly , all I wanted was a yes or a No, theres no need to be nasty about it.
Then she made some comment which I didnt here and the lady behind the till sniggered . OMG , my temper blew.....I slammed my £1 down on the counter and walked out.

So whilst standing outside I looked for my hubby but he was no where to be seen, I was shaking and seeing red, I looked back into the card shop and could see the girl in there and I had a really mad thought......

"when she gets out Im gonna bloody thump her one" :mad: (if any one knows me , its not like me). Luckily my husband came over to me before she got out of the shop . So then I started telling my husband all about it and Im nearly crying ....I then decided I was going to see the manager of the shop cos that shop assistant was wrong to behave the way she did.

I went straight up to the shop assistant and said , can I see the manager please.....she asked me "what for?" , I replied its private :mad: .
Then I asked the shop assistant if I could have a word in private.
I told her that I suffer with terrible panic attacks at shop tills and explained what had happened...she was really nice and told me she had agrophobia for 10 years and understands how difficult it is for me , she then said the assistant was wrong to ignor me and not answer me and to laugh at me in front of every one. She told me "Im going to get her into my office today, theres no excuse for her behaviour and im not bloody having it in my shop".

I just had to complain, cos I had to fight back , not just against the people but also against my panic attacks......if I had left that shop In a state then my subconcious would tell me (all over again) that shops are dangerous places,so hopefully by standing up for myself and complaining I have told my subconcious that actually "I can handle it" " I did handle it" and "I can handle it again" .

12-05-07, 14:00
Oh Mirry....WELL DONE! :yesyes:

You little soldier!

You stood and fought the temptation to just run out and be left with that awful feeling of just being walked on!

So what if you shouted a bit? None of us are perfect (certainly the 'lady' in the que!)You're like me inasmuch as I don't like to make a racket usually either- but in these circumstances it's different. I've had to learn that.

Some people never seem happy unless they're being rude or upsetting someone - maybe that's their way of coping with any hang ups they might have eh? But it's wrong for them to do it like that...... and you sure went about it the right way!

I'm so glad it worked out for you.


12-05-07, 14:04
You did brilliant. How fantastic that you stayed and stood up to them and then also complained, wonderful.:yesyes:
Do not feel bad at all, because you did the right thing and you should not have been treated like that. I would have been in the same state and also i would have been having hundreds of ectopics as well, i always do when things like that happen. Before my problems started i would have been able to handle that situation with no worries at all, but not anymore.
You were great, congratulations. This should have gone in the success stories i think, lol.
Keep up the good work Mirry!!.:D

12-05-07, 14:51
I am so impressed you went back in and spoke to the manager cos' that gives it some conclusion cos' if it was me I'd be replaying the queue situatuon over and over until I'd never go in a shop again.

Glad you didn't thump the customer though!!

12-05-07, 17:27
Congratulations Mirry on a job well done!

Great stuff!

12-05-07, 17:29
lol sam , im glad I didnt thump her cos she looked scarey !
Angie, I still cant belive I done it and its funny cos since I havent known what way to take it, was it a success ? or a disaster?
If I choose the success then its would probally be better for my recovery...
I could feel my mind trying to decide "what happened then?".

GG, Your right , she may of had her own issues but her face was scarey...
I just dont understand how people can be so mean, 2 weeks ago I stood in somerfield and a man asked if he could go in front of me cos he only had £1 to pay and I said ok, even tho I was in a panic.
Think that self esteem course helped me alot more than I realised.

thanks everyone for your replies xxx

12-05-07, 17:46
good for you mirry, see we are stronger than we give ourselves credit for,it needed to be said and im glad you went back and spoke to the manager, that little snot in line ..lol...i would of did the same...i bet ya felt better when it was said and done.......good on you mirry......linda tc xx

12-05-07, 17:52

You coped brilliantly:yesyes: :yesyes: ,

Im glad you went back and complained too, you shouldnt have to put up with that kind of behaviour!:ohmy:

proud of you Mirry !:yesyes:


12-05-07, 18:16
Hey wow - well done Mirry - youve got balls girl!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well done. Love wenjoy x

12-05-07, 18:22
ahh bless you all, Ive been a bit shakey the rest of the day feel glad that I did it ! Why should we be pushed about cos we come across timid....
And isnt it funny the way the panic turned into anger .

12-05-07, 23:16
well done Mirry,you did great:yesyes: :yesyes: :yesyes:

18-02-15, 00:35
Woop woop! Congrats! Just what she deserved.