View Full Version : anxiety and the passing of time...

05-07-17, 11:54
Hi guys,

I've had anxiety on and off for about a year and a half now.

the thing I've been doing very much lately is worry about the passing of time.. its a daily, hourly thing i worry about so much.

I'm 26, I'm 27 in october - this freaks me out.

I married when i was 24, we rent at the moment, currently looking to buy a house before Christmas this year, we have a dog, i work for myself as a hair model and I'm self employed and my husband as a job in government. we aren't ready for kids yet - no way! but currently just enjoy ourselves with holidays etc.

In general terms I am really young.. but the passage of time is really freaking me out at the moment, the fact time seems to be passing SO fast and theres nothing I can do to stop it.. how did i get to 26 years old nearly 27? It only seems like yesterday I was turning 25 and thinking oh wow 5 years to 30..
I remember being 19, carefree and never worried about things like this, I didn't have anxiety i was a carefree spirit, I'd love to get back to that. I never worried what i'd be doing in 3 years time, 5 years time when I was 19, I just lived in the moment and enjoyed myself - I'd love to get back to that feeling.

Its the fact the months seem to be flying by, especially the weeks I don't understand why its all going so fast I feel kind of out of control with my life and the time passing and i don't feel like i'm achieving everything I want to achieve. I have goals with my modelling which I want to do before I'm 30 - which is only 3 years and a bit - a lot of time in most peoples eyes i suppose but the way I see time passing at the moment it seems like nothing to me. I'm currently suffering with anaemia as well so my energy levels are really low.

The weeks seem to go by in an instant for me and in those weeks I feel like I didn't do anything worth while - the answer is usually no, I'm in a routine if I have days off - which i do a lot with the way my jobs work then I feel i get up between 10am-12pm - never rise early - watch TV, do some house work and thats it the day has gone from under me.

I've considered getting a 'normal' job to fill up the free time i have but then I also want use this free time to my advantage but just not sure where to start because I worry so much about the time passing thing..
I should really be using this free time to see friends as much as possible, visit new places, achieve dreams - I know i should be grabbing the oppitunities and taking them instead of wasting days lazing around and worrying. we have just booked a fun holiday to disneyland so I should be energised and excited I've ticked something off my list I wanted to do in my 20's

does anyone else feel this? maybe your in your 20's too or maybe your a bit older and have come through this weird feeling..

05-07-17, 11:59
Every day. I'm 24 and haven't even lived my life thanks to anxiety. Lucky you have a husband and a job holidays etc.. I still live at my parents unable to leave thanks to agoraphobia. Just live in the moment. Stop thinking about time.

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05-07-17, 12:18
Every day. I'm 24 and haven't even lived my life thanks to anxiety. Lucky you have a husband and a job holidays etc.. I still live at my parents unable to leave thanks to agoraphobia. Just live in the moment. Stop thinking about time.

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Since i turned 25 its like a switch went on which was like YOUR RUNNING OUT OF TIME :( its a horrible feeling.

living at home, id be the same if i hadn't met someone I imagine so many of my friends are living at home still.

05-07-17, 12:25
Since i turned 25 its like a switch went on which was like YOUR RUNNING OUT OF TIME :( its a horrible feeling.

living at home, id be the same if i hadn't met someone I imagine so many of my friends are living at home still.
You're not running out of time. People live longer these days. There's even some that think we will achieve immortality in our lifetime, if you're into that sort of thing, since your husband is working for the government he'll be sure to have a fast track ticket to immortality lol. You've done most of the big milestones in life. Job. Married. Possibly soon to buy a home. Instead of focusing on time, try create a goal and work toward it. Then once you achieve that. Work toward something else. You've got limitless potential, don't waste it.

Some people say meditate.. I've never mastered it myself but that's apparently one way to "slow" time down. You take note of everything. Every detail and like I say "live in the moment". Don't worry about tomorrow, or the past. Just today that matters, and what you're doing now. Time is going to do whatever it wants to do. But you have control of what you want to do. You don't really need time to do it.

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05-07-17, 12:42
You're not running out of time. People live longer these days. There's even some that think we will achieve immortality in our lifetime, if you're into that sort of thing, since your husband is working for the government he'll be sure to have a fast track ticket to immortality lol. You've done most of the big milestones in life. Job. Married. Possibly soon to buy a home. Instead of focusing on time, try create a goal and work toward it. Then once you achieve that. Work toward something else. You've got limitless potential, don't waste it.

Some people say meditate.. I've never mastered it myself but that's apparently one way to "slow" time down. You take note of everything. Every detail and like I say "live in the moment". Don't worry about tomorrow, or the past. Just today that matters, and what you're doing now. Time is going to do whatever it wants to do. But you have control of what you want to do. You don't really need time to do it.

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I know some of it is my own fault.. sleeping in till midday - being lazy on days off.. its not good. I know I should be getting up early, embracing the day, having plans, doing spontaneous things.. I have all these ideas but I stick to the safe option a lot of the time mainly due to my anxiety.. I could spontaneously drive down to london to see my friends i could plan more trips to do various things but it seems easier to stay in my house and at home and feel safe and its easy but then I'm missing out. I complain I only see my friends who live in london once every couple of months..yet again, its my own fault of sticking to the same sticking to a routine. i know sometimes life does get in the way of all these ideas and things we all have bills to pay, work to do and life to lead of course so we can't always jet off to places and do the fun things but I think i am in a lucky place where I can do it more than most but I'm not embracing the time that I have

05-07-17, 12:50
Yeah i agree with LDoubleE, on the same boat. if you are married, have a job and own a home, you've pretty much achieved everything the rest is a bonus. Mindfulness meditation is a good idea as it teaches you to live in the present moment" and appreciate the everyday things we take for granted.

05-07-17, 13:00
Just wait.. it goes faster as you get older ;)

Positive thoughts

06-07-17, 06:50
I could have written this exact post. I'm a 26 y/o guy and for the past year or so I've been struggling with a lot of anxiety and depression over what I think is called "chronophobia" or the fear of time. I've always had a fear of death, dying, and losing loved ones but it usually manifested it's self through Health Anxiety. This fear seems to be much more unshakable than the Health Anxiety episodes I've had. As I sit typing this I'm up simply because I had a near freak out in bed next to my wife and didn't want to wake her up so I got on my laptop and typed up a blog entry to get things out of my head. I really don't know if there's a good answer to quell these fears, at least not that I can see. I guess most people fear death and things related to it, but don't obsess about it and have intrusive thoughts about it constantly which is my problem. I tend to want to analyze things and wrap my mind around them so I can understand them but these things don't allow me to do that, I just end up breaking down. I feel like I'm on a train speeding towards an unfinished bridge with no way to escape. I feel utterly trapped. It is all truly mind boggling and terrifying to me. I wish I could offer you some kind of help, but I wanted to let you know you aren't alone and show some support.

And Fisherman, that's not a very reassuring sentiment for somebody having anxiety over time passing.

06-07-17, 12:59
And Fisherman, that's not a very reassuring sentiment for somebody having anxiety over time passing.

I'd be lying if it weren't true. Mathematically it makes sense too. When you're a year old, a year of your life is your entire life. As we grow older, a year of your life is a smaller fraction and thus it "seems" to go faster. Gone are the days of childhood when summer vacations lasted a lifetime.

At my age and with my real physical issues, I truly do have a limited time left. I can tell you that it's not something I think about nor do I fear. I'm just trying to make the best of the time I do have.

I apologize for the insensitivity as I cannot even begin to imagine the passing of time (essentially life and the nature of the Universe) as being something to fear and/or be depressed about. I personally find it the opposite. In my 20's, I was out touring and playing music. I traveled, saw things, did things. What I'm reading here is self-inflicted IMO. To me, what's truly sad is to live the limited time we do have in fear of "What Ifs". It's that fear or some other self-inflicted mental prison that's keeping many from actually living.

Positive thoughts

06-07-17, 13:57
Not really trying to dispute any of that, just saying it doesn't really help somebody who is already having issues dealing with anxiety over the issue to read that at the moment. And I've heard older people say the opposite as well, saying that it feels like their days/weeks drag by. I guess it's a perspective thing, I don't know. I just don't like making somebodies already anxious state worse reading something like that is all.