View Full Version : Can anxiety/depression cause severe fatigue?

05-07-17, 13:27

I was diagnosed with PTSD about 5 years ago following a trauma. I lost a family member then I was attacked shortly after. It led to anxiety and agoraphobia. I worked on things over an 18 month period and then it got better.

I was doing well and then 19 months ago I experienced another trauma. My child became suicidal due to bullying and it led to me having some kind of breakdown as it was all extremely traumatic. I quickly became severely fatigued, weak and dizzy. I was having energy crashes and landing in bed for days at a time.

My GP came to visit me on a few occasions over 3 months and diagnosed stress and trauma again. My son received therapy and the bullying was dealt with and he is now the happiest I have ever seen him 19 months on.

Things didn't improve for me sadly. My GP ran full bloods twice in a year and all that was found was a borderline underactive thyroid which eventually was treated with thyroxine but still I don't feel any better for taking it. My results are now in range.

Since last year I have been dealing with daily faitgue, waking up exhausted, often feeling weak in my thighs, nausea and sometimes a bit dizzy like the room heaves under my feet rather than a vertigo feeling. My GP came oout again at the end of last year and ran alot of blood tests. Full bloods, b12, folate, ferritin, liver and kindey, hba1c, nuclear antibodies, glandular fever etc.... All were ok. Just sodium a tad low but went back to normal. He told me they'd be conclusive and he did consider CFS being a diagnosis but he diagnosed depression and anxiety.

In January he rung me regarding my thyroid and wanted to increase the dose which I was happy to do, but then he said after a year he was worried about my fatigue being something like diabetes despite my tests being ok. He ran a hba1c and it was fine. He made me repeat sodium twice early this year and that too was normal. Yet he still wouldn't tell me why daily I felt so unwell.

Since last year it's the daily chronic fatigue, 80% in the body so I always feel weak heavy and just blurgh. Like I am dragging around a body that's run out of batteries. I feel weak legged towards the end of each day after just general chores around the house and tidying up after my children. If I overdo things I crash. When I crash I feel awful nausea, bad fatigue in the form of severe weak thighs and burning thighs and a bad faint/dizzy feeling. This can last a couple of days then I am back to normal again. This is happening more frequent lately and I have had 3 days like that in 3 weeks.

My husband went to see my GP to discuss things last month. He told him my crashes and daily fatigue ruin my life. I rarely go out because when I do I have the energy crashes and mostly feel too drained to go out. Daily feel tearful and low due to how fatigued I am and how it's ruled my life for 19 months but worse this last 6 months. I had a horrible episode of winter depression this winter passed and ever since I have felt worse physically and had more crashes. My GP told my husband he thought I had severe depression and anxiety. Even though I don't suffer panic I am daily worrying about my health, fearing the crashes and draining myself with all the worry. I have no support other than hubby and I feel less of a wife and mother being so exhausted. I have had to give up days out with my family because I crash and most days feel too fatigued to go out and enjoy myself. My life has become one big world of fatigue and crashes.

My GP says it's depression and anxiety but he also said it could be chronic fatigue but he doesn't believe in the actual syndrome. He thinks the trauma has taken it's tole and I do have constant high cortisol results. I have had so many blood tests and other than the thyroid he has found no other cause and his only suggestion was a referal to a general medical doctor in the hospital which he admitted was like himself and would run the same tests.

Sorry for the long winded post but can anyone relate? Can anxiety even if it's general or health related cause such awful disabling symptoms? can depression cause such awful fatigue?

Thank you


10-07-17, 17:13
Hi L,
short answer? yes and it sucks :(
I'm sorry I don't have anything more productive to say.
I hope you can find relief from your anxiety and depression and so feel physically better

10-07-17, 19:40
Have you gone to therapy for your PTSD? That alone can cause severe fatigue.

Catherine S
10-07-17, 20:17
It could well be a combination of stress and a thyroid imbalance. Severe stress can debiltate you for sure, and perhaps the reason for the depression is that you can't get on top of it all and not the reason for it all...as in the chicken and the egg. Dr Claire Weekes wrote a couple of books about this, she went as far as saying it's a depletion of the spirit. You've been through alot and you're not a machine...you have feelings and nervous system and a mind that controls it all. You're exhausted and an exhausted mind can cause alot of your symptoms.

I was told I had an underactive thyroid in 2010, and was given 50mgs thyroxine but the symptoms persisted even though all the blood tests said it was in the normal range again. The symptoms were weight gain, hair stopped growing on legs and underarms (yay) but also eyelashes and eyebrows thinned alot (boo). I struggled to walk up stairs or streets with inclines without getting winded and breathless, in fact alot of things made me feel winded and breathless and the thyroxine didn't seem to be helping.

Then just this year a routine blood test showed low levels again so i'm now on 75mg and slowly starting to feel a bit of a difference...not hugely where I'm back to doing cartwheels, but i'm not as breathless and can walk much further. Just waiting for the eyelashes to return and maybe get rid of some of the extra layers now :)

Your thyroid function is connected to so many different systems such as the endocrine, lymphatic and immune systems that it's no wonder it affects us if it's depleted even a little bit. Add to that your personal stresses and it's really no wonder you feel as you do.

Your son recovered from his ordeal thankfully, but your mental health took a battering and will take time to recover. You need to rule out any thyroid problems or any other possible conditions that might be adding to your exhaustion such as anaemia etc, so have another chat to your doctor about it all if you can.

Take care, be well