View Full Version : Does this sound like anxiety ? (please help)

05-07-17, 19:39
So, I've had generalised anxiety for like 6 years but recently (since april) my symptoms have become stronger if that makes any sense. Like I always have had constant symptoms and the symptoms often lead me to being panicked or anxious.

So... I was born with a heart condition and i get yearly check ups (im due for surgery eventually to replace or repair my valve) I understand what my symptoms are ect but I missed my annual appointment late last year. In april i started to develop this notion that I was having a heart attack for no apparent reason I would get symptoms such as weird discomfort or pain in my chest area , heart would beat quick and I would just feel unwell.

I wen to A&R/A&E several times and got the all clear in terms of heart attacks ect.. I eventually saw my cardiologist and had some tests done that I usually have done to check my heart and my ECG came back normal like it usually does. THey even noted on my results how anxious i seemed in regards to my heart and not having a heart attack

Now i get daily "attacks" they usually start from when I first wake up and I feel like I cant breath or my heart is beating quick which leads me to panic straight away. I no longer wake up feeling refreshed. Here a quick list of symptoms that I experience on a regular basis (I have some rn)

Chest "Pain" it doesnt really hurt sometimes it just feels full (i get it all over my chest)
Feeling just anxious and panicky because of the pain
Being able to feel my heart beat
Sensation that I cant or soon wont be able to breath
This weird sinking feeling in my stomach that happens randomly
Heart beating quickly sometimes
Feeling tired (but im able to do tasks such as exercise ect)
Intense agrophobia (I hate doing anything such as going out because Im scared i'll die and the physical symptoms start to come into play)

I keep getting frequent Anxiety attacks also and I'm wondering if this is all anxiety, I have gone to Hospital many times and talked to my doctor and cardiologist and from what they can gather it sounds like anxiety. I am able to exercise and I dont show any symptoms of my valve deteriorating but I still get worried over this.

These episodes are getting more and more frequent and I seem to almost bring them on the moment I start thinking about it but I cant help it.

Maybe someone on here with experience can ease my mind:weep:

05-07-17, 20:37
Sounds like you have a lot on your plate. Hugs x

My first health anxiety symptom was my heart. Skipping beats, hurting/stabbing in that area, tight chest, crushing squeezing pain and it sent me off to A&E quite a lot in the early days, it was horrible, but I was told it was stress. I eventually (5 months later) stopped worrying about it. I had a lot of counselling which helped. Also recommend Claire Weeks books - I found them very helpful with all the heart stuff. They are old books from the 60s with old fashioned terms but I liked that. The no nonsense approach reminded me of my grandma.

One of the things I'd do if I felt "hearty" was run on the spot or do exercise. (I asked my doctor first if that was ok and she kind of rolled her eyes, sighed and said "yes"). This stopped the skipping beats (at least while I was doing it) and also proved to me that my heart was ok. I also took up mountain biking.

Obvs don't do this unless you have the ok from your doc but it helped me.

Could you talk to your doctor about the anxiety itself? Sometimes that's a help.

Good luck X

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