View Full Version : Unequal Pupils - Misdiagnosed Adies

05-07-17, 20:29
For the last 2 years I've been dealing with a lot of stress and anxiety and around the same time as this started I noticed my pupils were frequently different sizes - sometimes just a little (0.5mm) but sometimes a lot (2.5/3mm). They seem worse in dark-ish rooms and worse also when I'm nervous or stressed out. At the worst of times they are accompanied by VERY tight neck and shoulders and a feeling of general exhaustion. It's always the same left pupil that is smaller and it dilates slower and doesn't ever reach the same size as the one on the right when that one is fully dilated.

After they first started I went to my optician who very swiftly sent me to A&E thinking I might be having an annuerism (this hasn't helped my anxiety) and I was from there sent to the eye hospital where they were both dilated to check the nerve (fine, both reacted) and then sent home with a note that it was physiological ansicoria and I must have always had it and never noticed (highly unlikely given the size of the difference sometimes).

Next time it's noticed by my new GP who does a light test and suspects Horners Syndrome - refers me to a neurologist and sends me for a chest x-ray which turns out clear. Neurologist immediately discounts Horners due to lack of other symptoms but sends me for an MRI which again is clear. He sends me on my way with a message that it's most likely Adies Tonic pupil and is just one of those things but not knowing exactly the diagnosis is driving me insane. He had to google to check but obviously didn't delve as far as I do and I don't trust that he really was paying attention(!) I'm worried something has been missed because it seems to present like Horners and not Adies. I know I shouldn't spend time looking online for answers but I'm so scared all day I can't look at myself in the mirror anymore, I feel so bad for my husband because I can't think of much else. I don't know what to do now - should I go for a third opinion? If it was something terrible would I have had other symptoms by now? It's been 2 years. I just want this to stop! Or at least to stop thinking about it! Has anyone had anything similar or could advise on what to do? Thanks

31-07-18, 19:07
So, what is it that is worrying you?

What is your symptoms?
How is it affecting you?

I have Adie's in my right eye. Right pupil is fully dialated, doesn't react to light. Making my eyes sensitive due to all the extra light it takes it. Close vision not as good as it use to be.

I have a reason to worry perhaps as I am trying to deal with living with it, sunglasses, perhaps reading glasses and researching how it will develop as no doctor seems to know everything about it.

Coming back to you, from your post you don't mention what physical symptoms you have. It just being slightly larger might not necessarily mean you have something.

Not saying it's nothing but, but a physical symptom or constraint especially compared to what your vision was previously would call for concern. If nothing is affecting you, don't let the over whelming feeling of something that might to happen take over your life.

Monitor is as time goes if no diagnosis is found, but remember to note how it's affecting you as the would help diagnose what the problem is. If you feel nothing then I guess, keep monitoring? But don't let it consume you. Take care of you general health, good luck :)