View Full Version : Need some reassurance/reality

06-07-17, 02:04
I posted a few weeks ago at the start of this "journey" that I'm on. I had a bit of a downward spiral when I noticed my hand tremble a bit and that my thighs were a bit achy and tired when I hadn't really been doing anything physical (that I remember). I ended up going down the Dr. Google hole, and aside from a few minor relapses over the last few days I've been doing pretty good.

The problem is, since Saturday my thigh right above my left knee has been twitching. I've also had a few random twitches in my left calf, but nowhere near the amount that I've had in my thigh. It started out doing it pretty consistently, to the point where I couldn't even sleep a few nights, but now it's started to calm down noticeably. I have no other symptoms to speak of, no trouble walking (I walk from a garage to work and back twice a day which is about 350 meters and it takes me about 3.5 minutes assuming I don't hit too many lights) or doing stairs (I normally "jog" up the stairs from the parking garage, 2 flights and up the stairs at work, 2 flights).

I'm also somewhat ashamed to say that I've been doing some of the strength tests. Of course, aside from being a bit wobbly when doing them since I'm super out of shape, I haven't had much trouble (or any really) doing any of them, and have become much more stable at doing them with practice.

I guess what I need is someone to help me talk through this or something, I'm not opposed to going to the doctor to get checked, but I'm pretty sure I'm overblowing the whole situation. The problem is, at the back of my head, lies all of the insidious stuff that plagues us all.

06-07-17, 02:34
Well while nobody here can give you a diagnosis, we can surely try to help calm your anxiety down, but I will say people on here aren't afraid to point out a serious symptom, they'd rather you get treated for a serious condition rather than ignore it just to soothe your anxiety.

With that said, what you describe doesn't set off any alarms for me, I don't think the hand and thigh itch are related, but again I'm not a doctor, it could be numerous things, such as new detergent, fabric softeners, have you walked in the woods or tall grass lately? Do you appear to have some sort of a rash? These are some of the general questions a doctor would likely ask. If it hasn't been going on long I'd say give it some time to clear up it could just be irritated, as for the hand thing I'm not sure what to say about that, other than the fact that anxiety can make you tremble, and if you're experiencing a lot of anxiety then try to get out and get it off your mind if you don't get any trembles while your calm then it's probably related to the anxiety. The best advice anyone can give you is to see your doctor and once you get the all clear start managing this anxiety.