View Full Version : Has anyone lost their job from Panic and Depression

up a ladder
12-05-07, 17:58
I have been open with my boss, and stated that I am currently "in trouble" with Depression and Panic. He is a good guy from what I know, but when this happened to me 7-8 years ago, I told no-one and battled (and what a battle it was) through.
I am absolutely terrified that I will lose my job because I can not do the meetings and travelling required.
I have visions of my family living in a cardboard box somewhere because we can not afford to live.

12-05-07, 18:47
If he's a good boss and you've already been open with him, then I'm sure he'll understand.

I can understand your fear, I felt the same when I was off sick and think it's only natural when faced with this situation. Although we know we suffer from anxiety and panic I think we sometimes expect too much of ourselves - I mean we sometimes think that the anx and panic should go away completely, especially in jobs such as yours.

Well, in some circumstances I suppose it can, but generally I think the best way to cope is to accept that there will always be a certain amount - we just have to find the way to keep it to a minimum, to a level that we can control and cope with.

Even thought you're feeling very fearful, you've done the right thing by telling your boss about yourself. Honesty, I think, is always the best policy - especially when it's honesty with yourself as well as others.

The battle this time may not be so intense, now that you have been honest with your boss - and with yourself.

I hope so anyway.

Take care


12-05-07, 19:01
I lost my job when i was not well enough to get in to work. However they didnt jjust fire me and would welcome me back today if i was well enough.
Just be open with you boss. He needs to know the facts and that way he knows what you can and cant do.
Try not to worry about losing your job, i kow its hard but it sounds like your boss understands you cant face the meetings and stuff. If you are really worried talk to him/her about your concerns and see what they say.
Your family wont end up in a carbard box hun. If the worst comes to the worst there is always help avaliable out there.
Take care and i hope it all goes well

12-05-07, 20:17
I very nearly lost my job indirectly due to depression - I used to self harm very badly, and when I was at my worst once I self harmed at work. Because I was working with vulnerable children and adults then I was given a written warning saying that if I did it again or was found with a blade then I'd be fired immediately.

However, in general then telling my boss about my depression and PTSD was the best thing I could have done - they supported me, let me go down to part time when I wasn't coping with the hours, and were understanding and defended me when I wasn't working at full speed. I couldn't have held down my job if I hadn't have told them. They were great:)

13-05-07, 19:25
Depression and other mental conditions are meant to be covered under the Disability Discrimination Act, so technically, no, you shouldn't be fired just because you are suffering.

13-05-07, 19:37
Be open with your boss. I was with mine and it was a big help when I took a few months off work. They were supportive on my return, organised councelling when I was off work.

I felt a failure when I told them but much better than worrying about it silently knowing I was under-performing. Like you I couldn't do the travelling and we worked around it. In fact I have been back 9 months and I still don't do it. I was also allowed to avoid the big meetings but I gradually felt able to attend. Shame really cos' I got to avoid some really dull ones.

Many people have time off or struggle at work due to such illnesses so the company won't think you are mad or unusual.

13-05-07, 19:44
I agree with sarah, if you have suffered this condition for more than 2 years and it has had a profound effect on your life, you should be covered by the disability discrimination act, you can google thsir website and talk about it to them. If you are covered your workplace has to make resasonable adjustments to support you. You may even be able to get support from 'Access to work'.

TC xxxxxxxx :hugs:

up a ladder
13-05-07, 20:18
Thanks guys. It does make me feel better to know there is that sort of support available.

I have sent a mail to my boss, as I genuinly (about three hours sleep in three nights) can not drive to Bristol (about 80 miles) in the morning.
I've asked to work from the Oxford office for a couple of weeks whilst the meds settle down.
I feel far better for doing it.

14-05-07, 15:12
Well done-I think that was a wise move. Let us know how you get on.

19-07-07, 12:16
Good luck, its tough going trying to work with depression/anxiety.

But it does sound like your bosses are understanding, mine were not!