View Full Version : Had scan now received a letter to see doctor

06-07-17, 12:12

I posted a while back about tummy pains. Well on Monday I had a scan of my tummy and pelvic area. The lady doing the scan said she couldn't see anything of concern but the doctor needs to look and then I can get my results, she said it should take a week.

Well considering the scan was only Monday, today I received a letter telling me to phone the surgery to book an appointment to see the doctor at my convenience. Of course the cold sweats have started and the sick feeling of total worrying. The doctor cannot see me till next Friday! I did try pushing the receptionist to tell me more but she couldn't and wouldn't!

So now I have a week of worry convinced they have seen something nasty on my scan, I mean they have been in touch really quickly so that cant be good.

06-07-17, 12:37
Hun don't worry "at your convenience " says it all... not urgent! If there was anything sinister your letter would not state this besides the lady doing your scan said she couldn't see anything of concern and she wouldn't risk her job telling you this if there was anything to worry about...chin up lovely xx

06-07-17, 15:04
When my husband had an emergency situation with a deep melanoma, they called, the nurse was in quite a state, and they made him understand that this was an emergency. He immediately had a surgical appointment and they wanted him in the office the same day. So I wouldn't worry about this at all. Could be there's a polyp or a spot they couldn't see, or that they aren't allowed to give you information on the phone at all.

06-07-17, 17:04
Completely understand your worry but try to relax, as everyone has said (and as everyone told me when I was waiting for some results a couple of months ago), when there's something nasty, they usually make you a priority and call you straight away. The waiting is the worse part but I'm sure everything's just fine. Do you practice any relaxation? Even just 10 minutes a day of focusing on your breathing can really really help.
Hugs xx

06-07-17, 17:16
Hun don't worry "at your convenience " says it all... not urgent!

I agree

Positive thoughts

06-07-17, 18:17
waiting is by far the hardest part. Like everyone else has said 'at your convenience' says it all. If it was urgent they would see you immediately. Let us know how you get on.