View Full Version : Anyone else get adrenaline rushes from video games?

06-07-17, 13:41
Just lately I've been playing a game like a big battle royal and everyone is out for themselves and I've noticed as I get to say the last 10 alive, my heart kicks off and starts racing, then during a fight it will get faster and if I win it will subside until the next fight. If I lose I sorta chillax a bit but my hands will still be shaking and my heart pounding away but gradually slowing down.

Only ever had this happen a few times like years ago it used to be when I was playing Forza Motorsport and someone good would join, My heart would race if I'm neck and neck with the guy/girl for first.. Anyone else get this or am I the only gamer here with mental issues?

Also I wonder if this is bad for you because the heart racing away on a daily basis can't be good..

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06-07-17, 15:01
Athlete's hearts race constantly for many hours a day. Your heart is a powerful muscle. The only reason it feels more intense while playing a game is that your body is at rest, which doesn't match your emotional state. If you were running from a bear you wouldn't realize that you feel odd. Needless stress and worry cause our bodies more strain than a good dose of competitive adrenaline.

07-07-17, 00:10
Completely normal.

07-07-17, 00:49
I thought my heart would explode the first time I pvped playing WoW years ago. ;-)

07-07-17, 04:34
Adrenaline would increase in tense situations. Just think about how watching a horror movie can change your breathing and get your heart pumping.

The issue in anxiety is noticing how such normal things "may" mean we are about to panic because our subconscious is making associations to similar sensations. And we tend to experience this more easily because we become sensitised.

07-07-17, 06:46
I get adrenaline rushes playing the panic and humour threads on here, I love them,shame more people don't play it is good for a laugh.:D.

07-07-17, 21:08
Cheers for all the comments. Appreciate it. Should play this game Player Unknowns Battlegrounds is exhilarating [emoji23]

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07-07-17, 21:25
Ha! I don't know if you have a PS4 but a game that really gets your heart going is PT (its a demo and not out anymore) and Resident Evil 7

07-07-17, 23:45
Ha! I don't know if you have a PS4 but a game that really gets your heart going is PT (its a demo and not out anymore) and Resident Evil 7

Oh man that was freaky so realistic seeing that fetus baby crying in the bathroom sink made me sweat and have palpitations lol such a shame they pulled the plug on making the actual Silent hill game. Outlast was another game to get your adrenaline going I love it. So I would say this to the OP it is absolutely normal to play certains games which you enjoy and really get into to experience adrenaline rushes.

08-07-17, 06:47
It's your adrenaline. Happens to me during video games or if I'm watching an intense movie or show.