View Full Version : Transitioning from Seroxat to another AD

06-07-17, 14:03
Hi everyone, I haven't posted her for a long time

I am 55, post menopause, had anxiety and depression on and off since childhood. I have also been hypothyroid for the last 10yrs. I was bobbing along quite nicely until nearly 2 years ago when bloods showed I had suddenly gone over active with my thyroid and I had very severe panic and anxiety which had stayed with me ever since.

I spent months and months researching because I found out I have Hashimoto's (autoimmune) and became fixated on my health trying to get myself back but without success. I have unknowingly had it for many years as an ultrasound on my thyroid a few months ago confirmed that it's pretty much destroyed. I also have a gut candida overgrowth and gut dysbiosis.

I am depressed and my severe anxiety has been with me for nearly 2 years now. When I first started Seroxat it gave me my life back and for the first time in 20 odd years my anxiety disappeared and I was able to function and have a life again. I was also suicidal a few months ago because I am so sick of living like this; well it's not living it's just existing

I am working with a Functional Medicine Dr now for diet and supplementation to control the Candida and get rid of the gut dysbiosis. I know that they can cause anxiety and depression and other symptoms, but don't feel any better. Have had lots of therapy and having acupuncture now.

On top of my Seroxat, which I have been on for 15yrs, I am sick of popping Diazepam, beta blockers to control the anxiety and other supplements. The anxiety gives me terrible nausea which prevents me from eating properly and I am now underweight. I have a phobia of being sick so the nausea doesn't help

I wake up every morning with irrational racing thoughts and off we go with the anxiety. I live alone and spend most of my days alone. Because I don't go out much with the agoraphobia I am having such difficulty in filling my day and keeping myself occupied. I have lost interest in everything and just don't want to be here anymore.

I keep a note on my calendar of how I feel each day and I had quite a few good days in a row with very low anxiety, but it came back again about a week ago for no apparent reason.

I just don't know how to help myself anymore and I am at the point where I don't want to because nothing I have tried has worked.

For some reason I do feel start to feel better late afternoon onwards and by evening I can feel pretty normal. A psychiatrist I saw once said it it normal with depression and called "diurnal variation" whatever that means in english.

I don't know what the real problem is with me, I am a complex case of different things going on. Whether the onset of depression brought on everything else or the other way around I don't know but frankly I have had enough. I don't think I will ever get better now and I won't live like this the rest of my life.

As I said, because of my agoraphobia I spend most of my days alone trying to fill each day to make it go quicker so I can sleep, which is the only time I feel OK. I can't find anything to do that I actually enjoy. I do feel better late afternoon onwards normally whereby I visit my mum in the evenings, as I lost my Dad recently, but I am depressed again.

The funny thing is that the day I lost my Dad about a month ago I obviously felt really bad with high anxiety and couldn't stop shaking BUT the day after that and for several days I felt so much better. I just don't understand it!!!!

Anyway, I upped my Seroxat from 20mg a few months ago to 30mg. A psychiatrist I saw wanted me to double it but I was too wary to do that because I know all about how bad Seroxat is although it was a miracle worker for me for years.

I am actually thinking of speaking with my Dr about transitioning to another one but very frightened of any side effects because of the symptoms I have every day anyway. I have had numerous tests over the last couple of years and I know I am low in GABA and Serotonin. Until I went on Seroxat all those years ago I had over 20yrs of struggling with anxiety and not feeling well. When it kicked in I was a different person, always cheerful and happy and laughing, it was amazing.

I know that the gut issues I have will be causing some of my symptoms because a healthy gut plays an important part for everything functioning properly, including hormones. I am currently on a low dose hrt patch and testing next week to see what my levels are. At the moment it's not helping me.

Sorry for the long confusing post, feeling brain fogged today. I don't know what to do. I seem to have tried everything but as I said I am a complex case. I don't know how to help myself anymore and wondered if changing to another AD will help