View Full Version : Anyone had cellulitis?

06-07-17, 22:08
I woke up this morning with a bite on my ankle, just under my ankle bone. It was really itchy so I assume a mosquito bite (I used to live in Australia so I've had many many over my lifetime). I forgot about it after I left the house this morning but noticed it again this afternoon as it was really tender and the whole area that covers my ankle bone is now red and swollen, it looks like I have a fat ankle!!! I don't know what happened but I think it could be cellulitis. I'm making an effort not to worry about it tonight, but unsure if it's the type of thing I should head to the GP about or just wait the weekend to see if it goes away on its own... I have had cellulitis from a bite as a child and I had anti biotics last time.

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07-07-17, 04:40
It's probably a reaction to the bite but that doesn't mean cellulitis and it may go on it's own. It could even be something like a horsefly which give nasty bites.

I would just ask your pharmacist about it. If they think a GP needs to take a look they will tell you and they are much easier to access.

Years ago I was walking through a nearby town and suddenly started to feel my ankle aching. Within 10 minutes I could barely put my weight on it. I managed to limp to a bus stop and get home. I found a bite. It took weeks for the weakness to fully go although I was just having to be careful with it and it was improved enough at the end of the weekend to go to work.

07-07-17, 09:14

My bites always get infected for some reason.

They look like fried eggs :blush:

Chemist will be able to tell you if the are infected and you may need antiiotics.

Good luck xx

08-07-17, 13:27
Thanks both!! The pharmacist said it looked like a spider or bug bite but not mosquito. The swelling has reduced with each day so I'm not worried anymore and won't go to GP! Very random !!

Feel a bit disappointed in myself for even posting about it, I've been really good with health anxiety the past few months. Oh well I feel like simply having heightened awareness of my chain of thoughts about this kind of thing is a step in the right direction of changing those thoughts so i don't catastrophise

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