View Full Version : My anxiety is going too far.

07-07-17, 09:52
I've been saving up for months on my vacation to Malaysia. My hotel is booked, ticket paid for and brought new bathing suits. But I'm now about to cancel my vacation because I don't want to go on the plane. I always get anxious when I fly. But this time its really stressing me out.

I keep having dreams about airplanes crashing and me dying. I feel like these dreams are telling me the future. The logical part of me is telling me these dreams are just my fears manfesiting itself in dream form but the anxious side of me is telling me otherwise.

Turbulence is the worst thing about flying for me. I had a bad experience about 11 years ago where the plane literally dropped a good 100 feet during a storm. Since then I dread turbulence during flights. Even as a kid I remember hating flying. Which is strange because everyone in my family absolutely loves flying. My sister even likes turbulence because she said its like a rollercoasters.

What should I do? Should I cancel my flight to calm my fears or should I go ahead with it?

I feel like I can't enjoy life because of my anxiety. My friends always are going on holidays together but I always refuse to go with them because of my fear of flying.

I will be losing about $2000 dollars if I cancel my trip, but I am just so afraid of flying.

07-07-17, 09:59
Chances of a plane crash are super low. You will regret not going and also losing out on your money.

There are many failsafes on a plane, they can even fly with just one engine, pilots go through vigorous training so even if there is a problem the plane will simply turn around and go back to the airport.

Try get some drugs from your doc to calm your nerves. When you get back home you can tell us all about the trip :)

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07-07-17, 10:17
Chances of a plane crash are super low. You will regret not going and also losing out on your money.

There are many failsafes on a plane, they can even fly with just one engine, pilots go through vigorous training so even if there is a problem the plane will simply turn around and go back to the airport.

Try get some drugs from your doc to calm your nerves. When you get back home you can tell us all about the trip :)

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Unfortunately the country I'm currently living in is very strict with anti-anxiety meds. I've tried getting some before but they refused. And alcohol does nothing for me except make me even more panicked.

My friend that booked with me is pretty pissed that she has to go alone now.

07-07-17, 10:20
I was on the same boat! But I went on the vacation (although my flying fear and the promise I made to myself that I'm not getting on a plane anymore after having a panic attack the last time that was 2 years ago) I couldn't sleep month before it but here I am - nothing bad happened!
Days before the flight I read interviews about turbulence (it can't take a plane down) and how safe the planes are. I watched videos of taking off.
Tell the person next to you about your fear- I did so and when I wasn't sure what exactly was going on I was asking them if everything is normal and it really calmed me down. Also think of someone who loves flying and try to think how would they feel right now. Imagine being that person (I was my favorite actress lol) Everything is going to be fine! The environment is safer than you are imagining!
Sorry for my English!

07-07-17, 10:25
Unfortunately the country I'm currently living in is very strict with anti-anxiety meds. I've tried getting some before but they refused. And alcohol does nothing for me except make me even more panicked.

My friend that booked with me is pretty pissed that she has to go alone now.You shouldn't let her go alone. If the only thing you're anxious of is the plane crashing, trust me. It won't happen. Just mathematically and statistically it won't happen. Planes don't just go down because a person feels it will happen to them. I was the same, first time I went on a plane, i was saying prayers and telling my mates what songs to play at my funeral because I was so sure I was going to die that day. Never happened. Been on a plane at least 14 times since. Every time I was thinking. My time is up. This plane is sure to crash. Never happened. We had a turbulence drop once too, I remember holding hands with the dude next to me cuz I was freaking out lol but all it is, is pockets of air. As far as my research has shown no plane has ever crashed because of turbulence. It just doesn't happen.

Trust me you will be fine. Don't let your mate go alone.

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07-07-17, 10:25
I've never heard of a country that is strict on anxiety medication. If anything buy some over the counter sleep aid and knock yourself out!

07-07-17, 10:28
I've never heard of a country that is strict on anxiety medication. If anything buy some over the counter sleep aid and knock yourself out!Being from Australia. They were pretty strict you need to see a psych before they will give you something like diazepam even then you only get 1 pack and have to keep going back to the psych. So much easier here in England to get meds..

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07-07-17, 10:57
I've never heard of a country that is strict on anxiety medication. If anything buy some over the counter sleep aid and knock yourself out!

In the US doctors are more understanding and liberal about giving out anti anxiety meds. I've considered moving back the US because of the lack of mental health treatment available in the country I am living.

I live in Qatar. And while it is a wealthy country, they are behind when it comes to mental health services. There are few psychological/psychiatric services in Qatar. Mental health is still a stigma.

07-07-17, 12:44
What should I do?

Xanax for the flight = $10 or so....
Canceling a dream vaca = $2000+ and months of anguish and regret

Easy decision IMO.

Positive thoughts

07-07-17, 13:09
We'll I've canceled my vacation. I just can't go through with it. My friend is really mad at me, I've tried explaining my anxiety to her but she doesn't understand. I just couldn't step foot on that plane without having a full blown panic attack on the spot. And then the dreams I kept having didn't help either.

I now feel a little sad because I was looking forward to going to a new place, but anxiety and fears are in the way as usual. I don't think I'll ever reach a point in my life where my anxiety won't get in the way. Its consuming me.

07-07-17, 15:50
We'll I've canceled my vacation. I just can't go through with it. My friend is really mad at me, I've tried explaining my anxiety to her but she doesn't understand. I just couldn't step foot on that plane without having a full blown panic attack on the spot. And then the dreams I kept having didn't help either.

I now feel a little sad because I was looking forward to going to a new place, but anxiety and fears are in the way as usual. I don't think I'll ever reach a point in my life where my anxiety won't get in the way. Its consuming me.Told you, you'd feel bad for not going.. If I we're you. I'd get on top of the anxiety quick time. I'm suffering agoraphobia and don't go out anymore because I let my anxiety consume me. You didn't listen to the before advice, I'm not expecting you to listen now.. but.. You want a real warning, you got it. If you don't sort it now, you will spiral down and it takes a lot longer to get better once you're hitting rock bottom.

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07-07-17, 18:06
The things we regret most in life are not the failures of trying but not trying at all because of fear.

Positive thoughts

07-07-17, 20:19
The things we regret most in life are not the failures of trying but not trying at all because of fear.

Positive thoughts

I keep telling myself that all the time, but anxiety always wins. I've gotten to the point where I get afraid of being afraid. Not only Im I afraid flying but I'm afraid of having a panic attack. I've had full blown panic attacks while flying before. Not only are panic attacks awful but people were laughing at me.

Last summer I flew back home to the States for a visit (I hadn't visited my family in 2 years because I'm so fearful of flying) well I had a panic attack on the return flight and this couple sitting across the aisle kept pointing and laughing at me. I felt not only crappy because I was panicking but I felt even worse because I was embarrassed.

09-07-17, 16:33
A little update: My trip is back on. My friend went off on me pretty bad and then my mother told me that its only going to make my fear of flying worse. So I was able to rebook my ticket.

I tried going to the doctor to get some meds. But the doctor told me I just need to relax and she said the only thing she can give me is an anti histamine to make me drowsy. Anything stronger I would have to see a psychologist at the government hospital and there is a 3 month waiting list ( my flight is this Thursday so that isn't going to help).

But what made me mad was how dismissive my doctor was. She kept saying flying is no big deal and to just basically suck it up. I cried in the car after leaving the doctors.

Not only am I stressed and anxious but then to have someone be so dismissive about my anxiety is worse.

27-07-17, 16:48
A little update: My trip is back on. My friend went off on me pretty bad and then my mother told me that its only going to make my fear of flying worse. So I was able to rebook my ticket.

I tried going to the doctor to get some meds. But the doctor told me I just need to relax and she said the only thing she can give me is an anti histamine to make me drowsy. Anything stronger I would have to see a psychologist at the government hospital and there is a 3 month waiting list ( my flight is this Thursday so that isn't going to help).

But what made me mad was how dismissive my doctor was. She kept saying flying is no big deal and to just basically suck it up. I cried in the car after leaving the doctors.

Not only am I stressed and anxious but then to have someone be so dismissive about my anxiety is worse.So.. how did you get on?

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