View Full Version : Terrified that my symptoms may be Pancreatic Cancer.

Health Anxiety Dad
07-07-17, 10:51
So where to begin... I've always had a small amount of health anxiety, but never severe until I became a father. I'm not afraid of death, I reconciled myself to the idea of an early death when I joined the Army. No factor. When I became a Dad, however, everything changed.

I still don't fear death: I fear my child watching me suffer and die. She is too young to understand the suffering that is the price of life on this plane of existence. If she was a teen or a 20-something, I could handle it. She would understand and we could have adult conversations about it all. But as a young child, the thought of her watching me dying from disease absolutely crushes me with anxiety, to the point of me being in tears spontaneously and having trouble enjoying my time with her. I've even begun making videos of me for her to watch when she gets older, should my health concerns become reality. All of the above has begun to negatively affect my marriage as well.

I have a number of symptoms of Pancreatic Cancer. I'm a late 30s male, who has never smoked. I've had IBS for about 12 years now and had H. Pylori 3 years ago. I'm not super fit, but before these symtoms hit me I could run 5km in 30 mins. Hardly the stuff of legend, but I'm pretty active nonetheless.

My symptoms:

29 JUN 17 Dull, crampy abdominal pain.
30 JUN 17 Burning abdominal pain.
02 JULY 17 Pain in back.
06 JULY 17 Frequent urination and itching.

All pain persistent.
Loss of appetite throughout.
Occasional mucus + floating stools.

July 4th my wife sent me to the Emergency Room at the hospital complaining of 6 days of persistent abdominal pain. The ER Doctor took a CBC, urine sample and performed an abdominal ultrasound. He stated that he thinks I have gastritis and gave me some meds until my GP appt on the 7th. The meds reduce the burning in my abdomen for about 8 hrs, but the cramping and back pain remain. He specifically mentioned that the blood work would check my pancreas (I never mentioned my fear, just my symptoms) and I hope he looked at it with the US, but he made no mention of it. I've been obsessively checking my eyes and stool ever since.

I'm going to ask my GP for a H. Pylori test, Liver Function Test and Diabetes Test and a same day ultrasound specifically for my pancreas. I'm going to ask for a CT of my pancreas too, and am willing to pay the 1000ish $ for a private one to avoid the brutally slow Canadian medical system. It's free, but slow. Needless to say my wife was livid at the idea of paying a grand for a CT.

I'm just curious as to people's thoughts on my situation, and if my symptoms could at all be caused by anxiety. I'm scared senseless right now. Military training by its very nature trained me to always prepare for the worst and have several contingency plans. This has come back to bite me in a sense, it seems. I'm curious if this vast and resourceful community has seen or read anything like my situation or symptoms and, while I know medical advice cannot be given, I'm open to generalized advice from the community.

Thank you.

07-07-17, 18:10
I'm so Sorry you are experiencing so much anxiety. I have noticed with myself and others on this board that motherhood causes health anxiety to either develop or get out of control. I don't see why that wouldn't extend to fatherhood. Becoming a parent puts so much weight on mortality. So many layers.

IMO, you do not have pancreatic cancer. It sounds like your Drs are being thorough, and you would have had red flags come up by now.

If I were you, I would mention the fear to the Dr. That's what I do. Last Dr appt, I mentioned my fear of ovarian cancer (no symptoms, just fear...but O.C. can have zero symptoms). My Dr went over it w me, and checked me out and gave me the all clear.
Sometimes just letting them know your fear and letting the experts do what they can to check it (with no added cost) can do wonders. They can look at previous bloodwork and ultrasound, and do a hand palpitation and listen to your symptoms again.

Sent from my SM-G955U using Tapatalk

07-07-17, 18:50
All those symptoms (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/articles/symptoms) can be attributed to anxiety related physical issues.

Positive thoughts

Health Anxiety Dad
07-07-17, 21:41
Thanks for the replies thus far. I saw the GP today. She could tell I was devastated with Anxiety and said she thinks I have stones, an ulcer or gastritis as the ER Doctor mentioned. I told her my fear of Pancreatic Cancer and she (shockingly) said that Pancreatic Cancer doesn't present with pain. I was like wtf everything I've read says sudden onset of abdominal pain is a symptom. In any case, she asked about my urine and stool. My urine is clear to yellow and my stool all over thr place (IBS) but here's the terrifying part: she said she noticed yellowing in the edges of my eyes. She said it might be because she's looking for it, but she wasn't satisfied with what she saw. So she gave me blood work to check liver biliwhatever and booked a second abdominal ultrasound. She also filled out the private CT form to allay my anxiety.

She doesn't think I have pancreatic cancer, but is confused by what she saw in my eyes. I called my wife balling. I used to be a hard charging fearless soldier. Now I'm a mess.

07-07-17, 21:52
Aww Health Anxiety Dad, I totally feel you, I'm a new mum (baby is 5 months tomorrow) and i can confirm that having him coupled with some health issues after the birth made my HA go sky high so I'm sure that most of what you're feeling is a reaction to this massive change and massive responsibility of being a dad.

I know it's easier said than done to say "don't worry" "try and relax" but you must move yourself away from the panic state. Some useful tips are when you're in that moment of panic, try and stop to focus on your breathing and your senses in general. What can you see in front of you? What can you hear? What can you touch? It helps to ground you.

As for the medical stuff, I'm no doctor but I know the likelihood of you having something terrible is pretty low. You are doing the right thing by getting everything checked and for the record, most of what you described sounds exactly like IBS - which as I'm sure you know, gets worse with anxiety.


Health Anxiety Dad
07-07-17, 22:42
As for the medical stuff, I'm no doctor but I know the likelihood of you having something terrible is pretty low. You are doing the right thing by getting everything checked and for the record, most of what you described sounds exactly like IBS - which as I'm sure you know, gets worse with anxiety.


I appreciate the kind words and reassurance. I've had IBS for 12 years but it's never felt like this. And the possible jaundice in my eyes, that's not an IBS symptom and it is scaring the absolute crap out of me.

10-07-17, 12:42
Hi Health Anxiety Dad, how are you doing this week?

I can understand your HA going through the roof but until you're told anything focus on what the doctors have said so far. The great thing is you're being very thoroughly checked. Do you have any results yet?

Health Anxiety Dad
11-07-17, 06:24
Hi Health Anxiety Dad, how are you doing this week?

I can understand your HA going through the roof but until you're told anything focus on what the doctors have said so far. The great thing is you're being very thoroughly checked. Do you have any results yet?

Jaundice confirmed and my GP's office told me to go to the ER right away. I'm in the waiting room as I write this.

---------- Post added at 22:24 ---------- Previous post was at 18:41 ----------

The ER doc gave me a long ultrasound and said he couldn't see the pancreas well, but also didn't see any signs of large abnormalities.

He said he has no worries that it's pancreatic cancer because my bilirubin is already down from Friday (they retested today), and that there are two kinds: unconjugated bilirubin and conjugated. Conjugated bilirubin is the pancreatic cancer bilirubin. My high levels are unconjugated bilirubin. He said I should still get the abdominal pain investigated 100%, but that it is entirely seperate from my jaundice. He suspects the jaundice is Gilberts or hemolysis. Testing for those to follow.

Talk about a horrifying coincidence of symptoms!

12-07-17, 14:51
I'm so glad to read you have some answers, definitely a scary set of symptoms. I hope you are feeling better and yes do get the abdominal pain checked although with what you said about IBS and the anxiety, the answer is probably there.

Also don't forget to work on the anxiety too. I know this all too well, as soon as the scary stuff is dealt with, the anxiety goes away but it's still there lurking...

All the best to you :)