View Full Version : Breast pain PLEASE RESPOND

07-07-17, 12:47
I'm having a pain in my right breast toward the top not underneath. If I check google it says stuff like heart attack or certain cancers which freaks me out. There's no lump. I suspect it's gas pain which I think I've had in the past BUT I NEED TOVKNOW IF ANYONE ELSE HAS EVER HAD GAS PAIN IN BREAST. I've heard of other women with this but this has me very panicked. Please respond as soon as possible. Thank You!

07-07-17, 12:57
It could be muscle tension maybe? I sometimes get pains around there from muscle tension in my shoulders

07-07-17, 13:35
I have this pain too. It's not always there so it doesn't worry me. Deffo feels muscles to me

---------- Post added at 13:35 ---------- Previous post was at 13:34 ----------

And just to add I've had this pain on and off for almost 8 years. And it's ALWAYS comes when I'm anxious

07-07-17, 14:07
Thank You for responding. It is intermittent & im noticing I feel it when moving certain ways so it could be muscular. BUT IM STILL WONDERING IF GAS COULD DO THIS?

07-07-17, 15:29
A poorly supporting bra can cause breast pain.

07-07-17, 15:43
IM currently experiencing pain in my left breast for over 2 weeks. Its sometimes a tingling pain, others it's a dull ache. Not sure what is causing it but I have been running more recently so maybe it's that. Looks like I'll have to book in with my GP though as it is going on a bit now.

08-07-17, 02:34
I get this sometimes. It's muscular... I guess if you can "point" to the pain it's unlikely to be heart pain. Anyway I get chest pain in my pectoral muscles and it's an odd sensation. Turning the head makes it worse, that's another sign of just regular muscle strain.

08-07-17, 02:46
Yes, I get gas pains in my chest and breast.

Also, I have tenderness around "that time of the month."

If you think it's gas pain, why not try doing some stretches to work it out. I know there are specific gas relief stretches.