View Full Version : Worrying about Panic

up a ladder
12-05-07, 19:46
I have been posting here about panic attackes, but my real problem is anxiety about panic. The number of panic attacks is relatively few, the panic about panicking is constant.
Am I talking jibberish or does this make sense:wacko:

12-05-07, 19:49
Its called anticipation anxiety buddy. Its well documented in "Hope and Help for your nerves" a book by Claire Weekes.

In a nutshell, after a panic attack, you are so terrified, you fear another.

Have a look on amazon and get a copy of her book, I am sure reading about it will help you come to terms with it.



12-05-07, 20:37
100% sense!

Since having had 3 bad panic attacks after roughly 18 months (maybe more) without one, it has completely thrown me, now i am afraid to do anything again.

No jibberish talk there.

12-05-07, 20:42
It makes absolute sense! That describes just how I feel myself... Thats how it works. You worry about panic starting which brings or increases the anxiety symptoms, and you feel panic will follow.

I have learnt to control my breathing a bit which does help, and have Rescue Remedy handy which helps takes the edge off the anxiety symptoms and then I can control it better. That way I feel it will not get the better of me any more. :-)

12-05-07, 21:43
Absolutely - we fear the feelings of panic coz a panic attack is HORRIBLE - for me its the breathlessness and air hunger and wanting to get out and run away from a hot stuffy closed in place - so I avoid some places which feeds the fear - it would be better to face it head on and just let it ride itself out as it cant hurt you - easily said but not at all easy to do !" Wenjoy xx

13-05-07, 01:26
Makes complete sense to me.

Especially after the event.

When you realise your fear didn't materialise after all.

And probably never will if you don't let it.

Easier said than done - but very possible, with support.

Like you get here.

I know.


13-05-07, 13:56
At least im not the only one. I seem to spend all day in a state of anxsity panicking about panicking. Talk about ironic.
I have found destraction a great way to try and calm myself down. Also my doctor suggested yoga to help with relaxation.
Take care

13-05-07, 16:02
Yoga should help - I try and switch off my anxious thoughts about having a pa by going through the alphabet and thinking of an animal for each letter of the alphabet or something like that just to divert my mind - try it - it may work for you. Love wenjoy x

up a ladder
13-05-07, 16:44
I can remember once actually writing a short story in a meeting.
It was about someone being frightened of water .why??
I actually left the notes there and my boss saw me a few days later and asked if these notes were mine....I did feel a little daft.

13-05-07, 18:06
I am the same way... my panic attacks recently relapsed after about 3 months of being off of medicine... we had been trying to get me off medicine about 3 times now since we are trying to get pregnant, but I just can't seem to be off of it... so now I have started it again and the panic attacks have definately decreased and when I do get them they aren't as severe, but I am constantly nervous and anxious and the feeling is horrible... I can't tell if I feel sick or if it's just the nervousness, but I am emetophobic so the not being able to tell makes me panic... it's one big cycle and I hate it!

13-05-07, 18:49
Like the idea of the animal game. I always end up singing ten green bottles sitting on the wall. It works well, unless your in an exam.lol.
When i took my ecasms first year i use to count the brincks in the sports hall. There was about 4045 on one end

14-05-07, 10:59
Lately if i'm speaking to someone I worry that I'm going to have a panic attack and that they'll think i'm strange, then I start having one and I have to get away from them to calm myself down so I now I'm just avoiding everyone apart from my partner and kids.