View Full Version : Is this IBS?

07-07-17, 16:13
I have quite a few symptoms that have arisen over the last few days and I suspect that it's IBS. I went to the doctors a few days ago as I was having a lot of pretty worrying symptoms that were unrelated to what I am posting about now. However, I did briefly mention to him that for two and a half years I have had to rush to the toilet every morning as soon as I wake up and end up passing either loose messy stools or diarrhoea. Every morning without fail. I also told him that I suffer from nausea quite frequently and that I sometimes have bad stomach cramps. So I ended up having a full blood count blood test, UTI test and a stool microbiology test. The UTI and blood test came back clear and I phoned in earlier to find out about the stool test but the doctor hasn't looked at it yet frustratingly. The receptionist did say though that the note on it said 'no sign of inflammation' but she advised that I still ring up to check on it when the doctor does eventually look at it. So I thought I'd maybe reach out to you guys on here to see if the symptoms I'm about to describe sound familiar or not.

So it started yesterday. Had some extreme nausea and was gagging pretty badly but nothing was coming up. Then later in the day I became aware of this heavy ache in the middle of my abdomen. The pain and the nausea came and went throughout the day. Then right before I settled down to sleep I felt this awful ache/cramp feeling just below my belly button and around the left side of my lower quadrant. It kind of felt like trapped wind but heavier if that makes sense? It really hurt if I pressed down on where the ache was. It soon spread to pretty much the whole of my abdomen and it hurt to move. When I tried to stand up it hurt as well and felt really tight, as if my intestines were being over stretched. At this point I started sweating and thought about calling 111 as I was scared it might be appendicitis or something. I tried laying in all sorts of positions like on my front in case I needed to pass wind. I could feel things moving about like it does when the trapped winds about to be released but just when I thought it was going to happen it stops. I did fart maybe once or twice but they were so small and pathetic. Eventually the discomfort subsided enough for me to sleep.

I woke up today feeling a bit sick and with the same kind of abdominal pain I had last night. I also felt weak and had sore legs. The nausea went away after a while but the cramps have remained for most of the day, flaring up occasionally. It's not as painful as last night but still feels like I need to pass wind and have actually done so a few times today but it only relieves me for a few minutes at most. The pain today has felt sharp as well at times and feels as if things are really swollen and like someone is twisting my intestines. I have had two bowel movements today, both were loose and messy and both times I felt like maybe I hadn't completely emptied them. I have had a bad headache for the last hour and I popped to the shop earlier and had cramps, nausea, headache, dizziness and a feeling of weakness. Over the last two days I've had some acid reflux as well and for the last two weeks my appetite has sucked. I have also lost some weight.

Apologies for the length of this post....this is just getting to me now. I feel pretty unwell and seem to have no answers. Does any of this seem familiar to you or not? Any advice? Thank you so much in advance.

10-07-17, 17:01
I can understand why you're so frustrated! This does sound like IBS to me. Dr's don't have a test to positively say 'yes this is IBS' but they rule out other diseases and if there's nothing showing up they then label it IBS.
Our bodies and minds are so interconnected so if you're anxious then your physical symptoms will definitely be worse.
So obviously you need to wait to see what your Dr said but I hope it reassures you a little that these symptoms are very familiar for people with IBS/anxiety issues just look at the IBS sub forum for proof! :D
Best wishes

10-07-17, 21:36
Definitely agree with the stomach reflecting how I am mentally! To be honest I have always been prone to stomach discomfort when I'm nervous or anxious. Thank you, it is reassuring to know that the things I described are quite common amongst ibs sufferers! The severity of it just rattled me a bit I think.