View Full Version : Debilitating panic attacks

07-07-17, 17:31
I'm going out of my mind. I have a hunch I have endometriosis but need to wait to see a doctor in the mean time I am on my period really feeling the symptoms and they have been shooting my anxiety sky high. This week has been 50 levels of hell. My panic attacks are almost exclusively related to my stomach and I have no idea when it became like this but it's really ruining me. TMI but I've been having diarrhoea, constipation and been getting hungry very quickly on this period and I've been having a panic attack every time I need to go toilet or I'm too hungry. The attacks are so bad they jolt me out if sleep, I haven't slept through the night all week, I get about 1-2 hours before I'm panicking the rest of the night. On Monday I woke up and my heart was racing so fast I seriously considered calling an ambulance. I woke up my mum to help me calm down. I spent the whole night uo and panicking. It's been the same almost every night since. I am completely unable to calm myself down. I try so much things like grounding myself, breathing, positive affirmations but nothing stops the attack. Today I had one during the day and I couldn't sit down for a second, I had to keep walking. I'm really going out of my mind on these disgusting attacks, it's making it so hard to deal with an already painful period. Has anyone got any advice at all? I'm at my wits end.

08-07-17, 00:46
Hi Aymia,
Poor you! So much stressing you out.
Firstly anxiety will play merry hell with your digestion so don't be scared by those symptoms. Having a hunch about endometriosis isn't the same as HAVING endometriosis, so don't add to your anxiety by worrying needlessly. Wait for the doctors appointment and if they think it's necessary they will book you in for a scan and a blood test.
Are you taking any medication for the panic attacks? If not then you should speak to the doctor about this. There are also over the counter remedies you can try like Valerian tablets, or even just drinking several cups of chamomile tea a day really does help. Is there anything in particular that is distressing you at night time?

08-07-17, 01:00
Hi thanks for responding! I am already meant to get a blood test it just depends on when I go. I haven't been able to because of everything above. I'll be booking another doctors appointment too this week.

I'm not taking any medication. I haven't been on medication for about 5 years now and I didn't need it until now. When I see the doctor I will ask.

What is distressing me at night is needing to go poo but being unable to or being very hungry and not being able to stomach much things to help combat it.. Right now I am hungry despite trying so hard to eat things, because of this my anxiety won't let me sleep! I'm very tired, moreso than I've been all week and I can't sleep as the anxiety is jolting me awake every time I'm about to nod off.

08-07-17, 01:15
Could you be dehydrated? That will slow your bowel down and also make you feel terrible. I personally love prunes so will happily eat those but if your tummy is upset a good alternative I find is to mix long life apple juice with hot water to bring it to blood temperature. It's pleasant to drink and will get your bowel moving.
You do need to try eating, could you manage something bland? Scrambled egg is good, or even just boiled rice. If you could manage a biscuit then rich tea are easily digestible and have a good balance of sugar and salt in them.
Try to make your bed a "safe" place to reduce your anxiety. Have things at hands reach that you might need, a glass of water, a favourite book, your iPod etc. so if you are going to be awake at least you can keep occupied and not let your thoughts get the better of you.
Good luck at the Drs and get that blood test out of the way :)

08-07-17, 17:25
Thank you :) I am being sure to drink water and teas often. I managed to eat a boiled egg, fish and vegetables. I also kept things close by my bed like you suggested and it helped a bit when I jolted out of sleep again into anxiety. I will try the apple juice!

08-07-17, 18:06
Well done :) It will start with little steps but that's empowering because next time you are feeling panicked take deep breaths and remind yourself you CAN do this. Try to keep things that make you smile in your room, a postcard from a friend or an item you bought on a good day out, photos etc. Keep building your room into a happy and safe place, this will help you calm and unwind when you wake suddenly.
Don't be disappointed with set backs, that's all part of it, just keep reminding yourself you can get through it :)

08-07-17, 18:07
Thank you so much :)

09-07-17, 23:15
I find that if you don't fear the panic it helps. It gives you back control. I know it is hard to not panic more when in a panic attack but if next time it happens you just say to yourself 'oh that panic is back woopie' and just say whatever and really believe you dont care, you have had enough. its not going to hurt you and just snuggle back down to sleep. Trust yourself. It is only a feeling, you are the boss. Tell it piss off. it works for me x