View Full Version : Red blood spots on stomach?

07-07-17, 18:05
Hi there, does anyone know about red blood spots on the skin? I have a couple on my stomach and went to the doc about them ages ago and she said they were cherry angiomas and nothing to worry about. I haven't looked at them for ages and then decided to take another look for some reason the other day, probably because I remembered I had them and the HA needed feeding! They look like they might have got slightly bigger although I am not entirely sure as can't really remember. They are about the size of a pin head, also looks like I am getting a few more, tiny pin prick ones as well. Of course I googled about them and panicked that there may be some underlying reason for them even though it says they are common in both men and women. I am a 54 year old female. Does anyone else have these on their stomach? I have lots of moles too but they are all ok as just had them all checked by doc. Think I am becoming obsessed with my skin!

07-07-17, 23:12
my husband (43) has them. He has always had them as long as I have been with them but lately I noticed he has gotten a few more, Apparently they increase with age

08-07-17, 08:18
Thanks for your reply, I think that is true and part of getting older!

08-07-17, 18:53
Getting older sucks. My health anxiety is totally spiralling and having never worried about my skin in 37 years I now find myself in panic mode about EVERYTHING! I have fair skin and 2 of these on my stomach. My other half has them too. Rational me knows they are nothing to worry about, irrational me says otherwise. I am totally with you on this. :hugs:

09-07-17, 09:27
I have dozens and started appearing in my mid 20s. They can change a bit over time. I have a huge one on my back that's about 5mm and will bleed if it gets caught on something. It's normal.