View Full Version : Strange head sensations/health anxiety lingering

08-07-17, 06:38
Hello all, been a short while.
When my anxiety journey first began I was constantly feeling short of breath and dizzy, headaches, nausea, etc. At the beginning of the year I had so many tests including bloods, chest x ray, ct scan of the head, head/neck MRI, etc. I was so convinced I had something very wrong but nothing profound ever showed up. I joined this forum to share & relate & have received a lot of helpful advice and hopefully I have helped someone along the way as well.
I've found a new job after being unemployed for nearly half a year, which I'm happy about as that means being busy and distracted. Have been working for a little over a month now. My breathing sensation has nearly gone away completely, it'll come and go in spurts throughout the day and sometimes I'll go a whole day without breathing bothering me. That's a relief as it was my most distressing symptom.
However the light headed feeling remains pretty much throughout the day. There will be brief moments in the day when it's gone but not enough and I know I still fear this sensation a lot. Most of the time it's not a TRUE dizzyness where the room spins crazy though I've had it a couple of times (will explain in a bit.) It's more of a weird floaty disconnected feeling like everything is not quite right or real. It's called depersonalization I believe. However I have had actual rocking dizzyness. And even a couple of weeks ago I was at work and feeling stressed.
My hours had just gotten extended that week after some unforseen circumstances at my workplace and I was dealing with clients who were giving me a hard time. Suddenly I felt like the room was spinning hard felt a head rush and like I was going to faint. I managed to keep myself collected as I was with a client and I couldn't just run out screaming. So I kept working like nothing was happening. Most of it subsided after an hour or two but still felt very strange. Today when I was at the gym I was already feeling funny head sensations and the spinning came on, I was so scared and wanted to run out screaming again. Felt like I'd faint or fall but neither ever happens. I kept trying to go on as if nothing was happening but eventually left. Had myself a good cry feeling distressed. it mostly subsided after about two hours but now I'm scared and still feel the weird head sensations and disconnection. Ive been stressed and adjusting to my new job plus working extra hours and feeling pretty tired. And yet I keep thinking the worst case scenarios like something wrong in the brain, even though CT & MRI earlier this year showed nothing. For that matter I've had HA flare ups several times recently nit picking everything on myself including female health issues.
I'm kicking myself because I keep getting panicked about feeling light headed & disconnected & I feel like that just prolongs it staying around. When the head rush spinning sensation hit those couple of times I freaked. It makes me think the worst and think "this is never going away" but we all know anxiety is a liar. If the breathing thing can go away then this surely can to? Compared to a few months ago I've been doing better, proud to be working again as well, but still not myself yet & that makes me sad. I even feel strange at work most of the day, the few moments that I feel normal leave just as fast as they came. The worry has even been giving me extra tight chest breathing shortness sensation which has me kicking myself even more. Anyone relate and know how to handle this?

08-07-17, 21:31
Woke up this morning, felt the head rush spinning sensation for a bit. Started telling myself "No, not today, you will not win today." And after a while it did start to subside. Still feel weird and lightheaded, disconnected. But that happens a lot as explained above. Of course keep thinking the worst case scenarios.

09-07-17, 04:57
I have had the depersonalization since I was a child. I remember I used to say to my mum "I don't feel like I am here". It gets worse when my anxiety is bad but it can come on at times when I am feeling fairly ok. I think tbh my "fairly ok" is still at quite an anxious level. I have learned to deal with it better by reading up on what it is and what the brain is doing. I know now that when I feel this way my brain is actually helping protect me by giving itself a little break. I know the feeling cannot last forever and it can cause me no harm. I just work through it. I engage more in what I am doing and it is easier to cope with.

The feeling of fainting for me started after my last major PA. All of a sudden in the high street I felt as though I was going to faint. The pavement started to rush up and down to my eyes and I just felt as though I would pass out. I would stand stock still because I didn't feel I could walk. I get that quite a bit at the moment and I really don't like it. The only think I can do is say to myself I haven't fainted (as much as I think I am going to) and it is yet another lovely anxiety symptom. The more we dread or worry about things the more we notice them. I hope this helps somewhat.

11-07-17, 03:25
I have had the depersonalization since I was a child. I remember I used to say to my mum "I don't feel like I am here". It gets worse when my anxiety is bad but it can come on at times when I am feeling fairly ok. I think tbh my "fairly ok" is still at quite an anxious level. I have learned to deal with it better by reading up on what it is and what the brain is doing. I know now that when I feel this way my brain is actually helping protect me by giving itself a little break. I know the feeling cannot last forever and it can cause me no harm. I just work through it. I engage more in what I am doing and it is easier to cope with.

The feeling of fainting for me started after my last major PA. All of a sudden in the high street I felt as though I was going to faint. The pavement started to rush up and down to my eyes and I just felt as though I would pass out. I would stand stock still because I didn't feel I could walk. I get that quite a bit at the moment and I really don't like it. The only think I can do is say to myself I haven't fainted (as much as I think I am going to) and it is yet another lovely anxiety symptom. The more we dread or worry about things the more we notice them. I hope this helps somewhat.

Hi, thank you so much for replying & sharing your experience & advice. Thinking back I did experience depersonalization even at a younger age, but it would usually pass very quickly. Same with panic. It didn't get bad until this year after some stressful times.

I do fear my symptoms which keeps them going. But yesterday was one of my more decent days, went out to church & a movie, felt several moments of normalcy though i also felt symptoms a lot of times too. Kept dreading that I'd get the extreme head rush spinning sensation but never came. Same with today at work. Now today was a bit of a struggle as there wasn't too much to do at work and so I'd get lightheaded heart pounding feelings. Began to overanalyze self as I do with HA & suddenly felt VERY run down & exhausted. I've been pretty tired lately but it was a big weakness. I think it was the anxiety. Amazing what it does to the body.

01-02-18, 15:52
I’m going through the physical symptoms of anxiety for the first time in my life, at age 36. Perhaps the most frustrating and scary symptom that I have encountered is this brain fog/depersonalization you’re speaking of… My short-term memory is much worse, and occasionally the fog becomes deeper at times during the day without any apparent cause. I’ve been like this for months now, and I can certainly relate on how debilitating it can be.

It’s like a cruel trick that Health anxiety is playing, it’s so hard to get my mind off of my symptoms and focus on anything else, when it doesn’t even feel like I’m looking through my own eyes... it’s like I keep waiting for someone to wake me up.