View Full Version : Can't rationalize a dental issue.

Chris 614
08-07-17, 08:57
Hi. Around four weeks ago I had a root canal on a small lower tooth. Prior to that I had a little swelling in my gum area, but it wasn't crazy enough to need antibiotics. Anyway, four weeks later I still have swelling. Talked to my dentist today and he wasn't worried. Said to call the office on Monday and he will get me in to check it out. And to call him over the weekend if it got worse. Here's the problem. I've been very focused on it for the past couple of days. Pushing on the swelling. Pushing on my face to feel the little lump of swelling etc.. Well, you know that only irritates it. And you also know that when we focus on a pain it makes it much worse. It's really only painful when I push on it. I know. Stop pushing on it! (The little lump, by the way, is about the size of a large pea)

I keep imaging that I'm going to wake up and have a huge amount of swelling, that it's just going to get worse and worse, blah blah blah. And I scare myself. I looked online and didn't read anything alarming, which should have eased my mind. It did for a bit, then my mind went to the bad place.

So, has anyone had any dental issues like this and you lived to tell about it???

08-07-17, 11:19
the gum takes along time to heal dont sweat it, but as you know if you keep touching, pressing it etc it will take even longer lol.