View Full Version : Anxiety when a passenger in car

08-07-17, 09:25
For quite a while now, especially whilst suffering with anxiety, I find that when I am a passenger in a car I have terrible anxiety and panic attacks. Has anybody else experienced this?

08-07-17, 09:32
Hi yes I have experienced this also, when I had a panic attack back in November I was extremely wary of being a passenger in a car I think it's because of the feeling of 'not being in control' not being able to pull over when feeling anxious, your not alone I found that telling the person who is driving that being a passenger makes me anxious and panicky helps and they always understand don't worry your not alone just keep being the passenger until you feel comfortable I kept trying to put it off so many times until I realised I just need to do it and the more I do it the better I have become I do still feel anxious but I just push through it good luck x

08-07-17, 11:14
I am really nervous when I am a passenger in a car. I am usually with my husband and he knows what I am like so I am ok there. Otherwise if I am offered a lift with someone else I have to tell them about not driving too fast. That's what starts my panic.

08-07-17, 13:55
Thanks for replying. I am worse if we are on a motorway. Normal roads Im not as bad. Its starting to really affect my everyday life as if we have to go out in the car I feel completely overwhelmed with anxiety. I try ans calm myself down by doing breathing exercises but it doesnt help. Sometimes I want to just open the door and get out. Its so scary. I am fine when I am not going through a bad patch of anxiety. Its so debilitating! x