View Full Version : Do i have anxiety?

08-07-17, 11:25
im sure i do but iv never really heard of health anxiety before...

but i convince myself every little ache/pain, bump etc is something terminal.
if my kids fall over and get a little bump i think there going to get bleed on the brain etc its crazy and iv had enough of it :lac: iv had a panic attack a few years ago out of the blue was just watching tv and felt a bit funny and chest pains, couldnt breathe properly i ended up calling nhs and they ended up sending a ambulance who did all the tests and was 100% healthy...i NEVER go to the doctors as im so scared there find something terminal i have a insane fear of dying... is this health anxiety or just mental health? how do you cope or get help....i dont fancy taking meds but if it works i may have to. i have good days and bad days it only takes 1 little thing to set it off though so maybe bipoloar.....i have no idea lol. i didnt know forums like this existed so reading some threads makes me realise its not just me :roflmao:

08-07-17, 11:57
That's called being a hypochondriac lol.. thinking there is always something wrong with you. I guess it is sort of like anxiety as you worry about it a lot. Anxiety has many different forms. Hello again [emoji23]

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08-07-17, 12:03
yeah its a daily thing lol and leads to depression aswell

08-07-17, 14:58
Health anxiety is a mental health disorder. Maybe you could see a therapist to help you get to the root of what is causing it for you. In my case, I think its wound up with OCD, but maybe the cause is different for you. IME, it is treatable and you can get better, but it is a lot of work and effort!!

09-07-17, 02:39
HA is a sufferers common term, not a medical one. It's not in either of the major manuals.

GAD, OCD and Somatoform Disorders can all fall under the HA bracket. Somataform Disorders are neatly within it but GAD & OCD spraddle it because they have many non HA themes.

It's a bit different in the US as they use the other manual and that has slightly different criterias and names for things.

09-07-17, 02:46
As I have noticed, many suffer health anxiety as a form of OCD. One definite way that you can tell this is that their obsessive thoughts revolve around some disease or condition, and their compulsions include things like constantly asking others for reassurance, constantly checking vitals like temp or blood pressure, searching the Internet for info, or seeking medical opinions. Usually these people are easy to identify because as soon as they rule out one medical condition or disease, they quickly switch to another. Also, no disease or condition can be too rare or improbable for them to worry about.

Another major cause of OCD is PTSD. These people have a loved one who's gotten very sick or has passed away from a certain condition or disease, and now the person worries that they or another loved one may also have that condition or disease. Usually these people are easy to spot because they've had a traumatic loss, and they usually stick to one disease or condition.

09-07-17, 05:04
Health anxiety is a mental health disorder. Maybe you could see a therapist to help you get to the root of what is causing it for you. In my case, I think its wound up with OCD, but maybe the cause is different for you. IME, it is treatable and you can get better, but it is a lot of work and effort!!

Yep... everyone's health anxiety/hypochondria or whatever you want to label it is definitely a form of OCD. It is for me and every other person on here.

09-07-17, 10:00
Doesn't matter what label you stick on em, it's all anxiety :)

09-07-17, 10:50
Yep... everyone's health anxiety/hypochondria or whatever you want to label it is definitely a form of OCD. It is for me and every other person on here.

Well that isn't true according to my psychiatrist and one would think he would know.